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June 2017 Reading Comprehension

jowens7317jowens7317 Alum Member
in General 244 karma

Did this RC section seem exceptionally hard to anyone else besides me?


  • Ann MarieAnn Marie Alum Member
    72 karma

    same here, I canceled my score because that section

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Ann Marie" said:
    same here, I canceled my score because that section

    Damn! It was that harsh, huh? Friend texted me and said the same thing about considering cancelling because of it....

  • aishatungaishatung Alum Member
    104 karma

    It was my first section and I didn't finish it on time (my fault too because I didn't bring a watch and my test center did not have a timer), I was totally rattled after that and am considering cancelling my score too :(

  • Pink DustPink Dust Alum Member
    edited June 2017 403 karma

    it was all sorts of hard. I couldn't even comprehend. I thought it was the hardest RC passage I've seen. better start reading more books because my reading ability was definitely not good enough.

  • Summer17Summer17 Alum Member
    125 karma

    Yup, I found it super hard as well.

  • 316 karma

    I agree! Definitely struggled through it

  • benkim929220benkim929220 Alum Member
    32 karma

    yup i thought the third one was particularly difficult.

  • eagles111eagles111 Free Trial Member
    45 karma

    One of the hardest, especially the first two passages. Third one was the easiest and 4th one was average

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Yikes....I wonder what the curve is....

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    52 karma

    Anyone remember how many questions on the second passage on inner thought inferences?

  • Aman KangAman Kang Member
    38 karma

    when i started reading the first passage, in my head i was like f*** its over. Passages 3 and 4 weren't bad, felt like passages 1 and 2 were harder. Flipped it on us.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Aman Kang" said:
    when i started reading the first passage, in my head i was like f*** its over. Passages 3 and 4 weren't bad, felt like passages 1 and 2 were harder. Flipped it on us.

    Jesus H. Christ. Now I'm worried about RC more than LG. This test drive me crazy. Next thing we will all be "fool proofing" RC passages 1-35.

  • benkim929220benkim929220 Alum Member
    32 karma

    @andrewgong01 said:
    One of the hardest, especially the first two passages. Third one was the easiest and 4th one was average

    i must have mixed them up then. do you remember the topics for 1 and 2?

  • smooshiesmooshie Core Member
    31 karma

    agreed. I messed up timing it on my watch and didn't get past 2nd question of the last passage. I thought the last passage was the hardest one...

  • Hannah56Hannah56 Alum Member
    224 karma

    @benkim929220 said:

    i must have mixed them up then. do you remember the topics for 1 and 2?

    First one was about Jazz, second was about psychological inference & children

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2017 52 karma

    @benkim929220 said:

    i must have mixed them up then. do you remember the topics for 1 and 2?

    First =Jazz Second= KId/Adult Inner Thought [HARDEST, really weird, abstract] Third=Water finding Fourth = Judge Research

    Second, First=Fourth [TIE], then the Third in hardest to easiest imo

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    52 karma

    Did anyone find themselves like guessing the entire Second Passage on Inner Thought inferences?

  • fuzzy228fuzzy228 Alum Member
    107 karma

    Yes, my brain went blank!

  • thinkorswimthinkorswim Alum Member
    433 karma

    Yea the psychological one I was dying . coming from a psychology major

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    52 karma

    Ussually hard passages have some free questions but not this inner thought one

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2017 52 karma

    Is it just me or does everyone else have no idea what your RC score is. I typically average -5 over the last 2 weeks. Before then was -7,-8 really consistently and the highest being -10 but right now I have no clue with that inner thoughts passage that ruined my entire RC, coupled with a few tricky Jazz + Trial Court questions. For me it could be anywhere from -5 to -13 :(

  • BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
    553 karma

    Man the stupid I don't get it, you drag a stick in the water or something? Wtf? God i need to see my score...?

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2017 52 karma

    Still have no idea what it is (the water thing) but at least the passage was structually easy to understand. I think the last 2 questions were hard though. At first I thought it was the science passage but maybe the inner thoughts one was the science passage? None of them were really science heavy though

    I feel like now the last passage on court judges may have had a lot of trap answers even though the passage themselves were easy. Actually I still don't fully understand what Passage B wanted fully :P

  • nicole.brooklynnicole.brooklyn Alum Member
    edited June 2017 341 karma

    I have no idea how I did either. I finished everything just in time, but it was my first section and I was so nervous that I barely remember the first two passages.

  • jowens7317jowens7317 Alum Member
    244 karma

    Im in the same boat as you guys.. I pretty much guessed on all the second passage questions then ran out of time with 5 questions left on the last passage so I had to guess on those.. Ive been averaging -5 on the PrepTests but I honestly could have missed 12 on this section

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited June 2017 4196 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    Jesus H. Christ. Now I'm worried about RC more than LG. This test drive me crazy. Next thing we will all be "fool proofing" RC passages 1-35.

    You're spitting nothing but straight up facts, my man. lmaoo

  • Hunt LindHunt Lind Member
    35 karma

    What does this mean? How do they curve?

    @akistotle said:
    Yikes....I wonder what the curve is....

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @"Hunt Lind" said:
    What does this mean? How do they curve?

    In order to get a 170, you sometimes can to miss up to 11 or even 14 questions. It depends on the difficulty of the test.

    This Powerscore post explains it:

  • Hannah56Hannah56 Alum Member
    224 karma

    How many Q's there were in the 3rd passage?. I skipped it completely & I wanna see how many did I blindly guess

  • kvnamed1kvnamed1 Alum Member
    13 karma

    Going into the test, RC was supposed to be a strength for me so you can imagine how I felt when the first section of the test was that brutal RC section. Completely rattled. I'm just hoping it didn't throw me off too much. I felt my rhythm was pretty good on the LR questions although their were 3-4 really difficult ones.

  • eagles12345eagles12345 Free Trial Member
    52 karma

    Just curious but did anyone actually understand the second passage on inner thought or inferences or found some of the questions easy? From hindsight after a night's sleep all I remember was I did 3-4 questions first round then moved on to the next two passages and then came back at 32 mins to do the last few questions but had no idea and now I don't think I got the 3-4questions I did the first time around correct since I dont even know the passage. No idea what I did when I answered the 3-4 questions. Were there easy questions that didnt require understanding?

  • ItzcallyItzcally Alum Member
    30 karma

    Very hard for me, but I think the key was to go back into the passages and re-read content to verify answers. Unfortunately, this cost me a lot of time and didn't properly answer 7 questions between two passages.

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
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