Re-taking the test - What should I do differently

Hannah56Hannah56 Alum Member
in General 224 karma

I took the June test but I will probably need to re-take so I will start studying. Last time I studied from the LSAT Trainer and then signed up for 7sage and watched about 60% of CC. the last month I spent on PT, BR, light drilling. My BR score was in the 173+ range. but my actual PT score was about 20 points lower. My question is: should I purchase another prep material, say PowerScore, or should I focus on PT only. My biggest weakness is RC, English is my second language, and I used to struggle with timing in all sections.
seeking your advice, especially from the re-takers, what was your study strategy? did you do something dramatically different in your prep? and what was the point increase in the actual test between the 2 actual scores?



  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    edited June 2017 9382 karma

    Hi @Hannah56 !

    You should definitely watch 100% of CC and drill more!

    Also you should stay away from PowerScore (lol). They will only confuse you. I would recommend that you upgrade to Ultimate+ so that you can get more drilling materials.

    If you are not getting -0 on LG, you should fool proof all the games using LG Bundle (PT1-35)

    Good luck :)

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I will be a retaker this year.

    When I look back on my first first round of preparation, it was a superficial approach without much comprehension of the underlying principles. I didn't BR (didn't even know what it was) and I just figured "If I keep seeing these questions enough, I'll get it.". My score was disspointing and I'm in the midst of my second round of studying.

    The difference for me has been focusing on the underlying principles. Attemping to master Lawgic, identify recurring patterns in the test, fool proof logic games, establish a skipping strategy. All of this, I believe, will result in a a huge bump for me. I haven't taken a PT since starting again, but I find myself moving about the questions with so much more ease and confidence.

    I recommend you listen to some of the webinars where Sages tell their stories. It was instrumental to my rededication. A lot of those high scorers fell off the horse too and we can learn from it. I found David's video to be especially helpful

    However, this webinar includes the story of a Sage who wasn't a native English speaker either

  • Hannah56Hannah56 Alum Member
    224 karma

    @akistotle said:
    Hi @Hannah56 !

    You should definitely watch 100% of CC and drill more!

    Also you should stay away from PowerScore (lol). They will only confuse you. I would recommend that you upgrade to Ultimate+ so that you can get more drilling materials.

    If you are not getting -0 on LG, you should fool proof all the games using LG Bundle (PT1-35)

    Good luck :)

    Thanks @akistotle I think I definitely need to drill more and go over the whole curriculum

  • Hannah56Hannah56 Alum Member
    224 karma

    @jkatz1488 said:
    I will be a retaker this year.

    When I look back on my first first round of preparation, it was a superficial approach without much comprehension of the underlying principles. I didn't BR (didn't even know what it was) and I just figured "If I keep seeing these questions enough, I'll get it.". My score was disspointing and I'm in the midst of my second round of studying.

    The difference for me has been focusing on the underlying principles. Attemping to master Lawgic, identify recurring patterns in the test, fool proof logic games, establish a skipping strategy. All of this, I believe, will result in a a huge bump for me. I haven't taken a PT since starting again, but I find myself moving about the questions with so much more ease and confidence.

    I recommend you listen to some of the webinars where Sages tell their stories. It was instrumental to my rededication. A lot of those high scorers fell off the horse too and we can learn from it. I found David's video to be especially helpful

    However, this webinar includes the story of a Sage who wasn't a native English speaker either

    Thanks @jkatz1488 for the suggestions. I will check these webinars. You know I practiced skipping when I was PTing but on the real test I couldn't do it for some reason. I need to be more comfortable with it. Good luck on your re-take. I'm sure you'll do great!!

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