Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Clearly im not doing something right-PT - 7Sage Forum

Clearly im not doing something right-PT

lsatcommittedlsatcommitted Alum Member
edited November 2014 in General 166 karma
I am now taking PTS and my scores havent improved from my cold diagnostic. (Well, Logic Games has improved a little, but Reading Comprehension has gone down)... in fact, the scores are lower..

The thing is, when i do Blind Review, it goes incredibly fast, and I do very well, especially with Logical Reasoning. I clearly see what is the correct answer.

So, does anyone have this experience? is it test anxiety?


  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    by "goes incredibly fast, and I do very well" do you mean you're gettin 175+ after BR? (assuming you're not looking at the answers at all until after BR is over)
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    sometimes I find my LR BR goes really fast as well. Because I see the question, realize that my answer is air tight (mostly because I have already invested the time making sure each answer is wrong when I did the question) or in situations where the right answer is SO obvious......

    It could be test anxiety, I had that a lot too, how many PTs have you done? I've found I'm way less anxious now that I have approx. 20 under my belt.
  • lsatcommittedlsatcommitted Alum Member
    166 karma
    I am still weak on Logic Games, but i will miss 3 or 4 on LR and RC is 1 or 2 on BR. I usually run out of time on PT for RC...

    At this point, i have finished 4 PTs.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    totally missed a diff question... whats ur diag? if it was like 165 then its not so bad, still something to look into but diff from 140... as for BR you should be scoring in the 170's otherwise there are fundamentals that need work... LG should be -0 on BR (though sometimes things avoid you and -1 isnt so bad) but with BR and all the time in the world you should be near perfect on LG. RC sucks, I run out of time all the time too, just gotta keep drilling and get more accustomed to it, how long that takes is different for everyone. LR, -3/4 after BR isnt terrible(that per section or overall?) but theres still something missing, just keep working at it, and keep drilling sections, question type, etc. and your speed will increase. When you are PTing if you're worrying about finishing everything the whole time stop that, focus on answering the questions you attack correctly... obviously dont spend 3 minutes on every question but if you only get 20 in but 19 are right, thats a great start, keep it up and eventually you'll get 23 in, then all
  • lsatcommittedlsatcommitted Alum Member
    166 karma
    Thank you Jdawg113, my cold diagnostic was 149, then PT
    150, 143, 144
    -3/4 is for both sections BR on LR
    so, it seems to me that i have understanding on most of it, but performance on PT isnt very good..
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    yeah then it is def a timing issue, with time you clearly can pick it apart, you just need it to come more naturally and quickly... I would say to just keep drilling (id say lower PT's if you have them) and hold off on full PT's for a little bit, maybe drill groups of individual questions (like 7sage has 10 randomly pulled questions of say MBT and says to give yourself 15 min) and move up to full timed sections with you're review, when you review just drag it out more, right why you picked what you did (before BR the questions try going back over them once time is up and right why you picked each AC then BR and note your change in thought) other than that idk lol
  • lsatcommittedlsatcommitted Alum Member
    166 karma
    Thank you both.. Jdawg113, anticipating that, i went and got a whole bunch of 1-38pt questions grouped by type (Cambridge) and am drilling on those..
    thanks again!~
  • Vriver01Vriver01 Alum Member
    60 karma
    I'm having the same problem. When I blind review a preptest I get around the 160s, but on the actual test I get in the 150s. When blind reviewing LR sections, should I go back and review the answers to all the questions or just the questions that I circled?
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