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Ok , I am just starting this journey. I have 2 lsat books and then I found this site and will be soon signing up for the course. However, I wanted to ask if I should spring for the bibles or if that would be a waste of money since I will be taking this course.
I would say they would likely be a waste of money. 7Sage is a full course and does a great job at sufficiently covering everything and provides drills, problem sets, and tons of practice as well.
Thank you ! I just didn't want to spend over $100 and then end up not using them.
The Bibles are good for self study, but 7Sage includes everything you need to score as high as you want. Plus, it really comes down to the power of a computer vs. a set of books. No doubt the computer is going to win
7sage all the way. The course and the community are fantastic. I can honestly say that I haven't felt the need to look elsewhere for clarification.
Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. I'm trying to navigate this one day at a time and not become overwhelmed before I have a reason to.
I started with Power Score and then Blue print and then 7sage. In my opinion 7sage covers the materials that both of these courses cover ( which is the basics) and then goes above and beyond it.
The only other one that I've heard good things about, even from J.Y. is "The LSAT Trainer" which I also own. I'm planning on using it if I struggle with a teaching method on 7Sage or if I have extra time. I also occasionally use it to review a concept I already learned in 7Sage, when I don't have WiFi so can't study on 7Sage (drops another hint that being able to pre-load videos at home and then watch them on the app would be great).
I started with powerscore, i do find that the 7Sage videos and lessons are an amazing way to absorb the content, but sometimes i do enjoy reading other sources for reinforcements. Ultimately, 7sage offers a lot of strategies, even beyond the CC, the Webinars i found offer great insights into philosophies, strategies, methods, and above all, people's experiences of how they got to where most of us are hoping to end up.
I look at it as JY is the lead instructor, but the books i have supplement and reinforce the same ideas.
If ihad to pick one, certainly 7sage.
I agree with everything already stated. The Webinars on 7sage are amazing.
Many people that I have spoken with also recommended The LSAT Trainer, so I just recently bought that. I am a hard copy, highlighting type of learner and I have found that just having the Trainer as supplemental reading has helped me brush up on things and think of certain questions in different ways. I feel like each learning method works differently for each individual, so it depends also on what works for you. I love 7sage and also believe if I had to pick one, I certainly would pick 7sage. However, the Trainer is also a small price to pay for some extra material. I hope this helps!
Thank you, I will note that about the lsat trainer. I actually have seen a few of his youtube videos and he seems very clear in his presentation, so if I feel that I need more than 7sage I will order it. Hopefully find it used to save a little money.
Tons of used versions on EBay and Amazon if you're interested. I really enjoyed the LSAT Trainer and the Manhattan LSAT, and the Power score series to get some different view points, but, even still, I think 7Sage along with the helpful community (study groups, the forum, tutors) really make 7Sage the best. There's just something about having video lessons that you can rewatch and see problems solved in real time that makes 7Sage stand out. Not to mention, JY just has a knack for explaining what seem to be complex concepts and making them easy to understand.
Is there a place where I can watch these webinars or ore you guys referring to ones that occur live?
My favorites are any by Sages who share their journeys to the 170+ promise land! Also the one on Skipping is A1
Oooh nice, thanks! I'll check those out.
Definitely! It really is motivating to hear where people started off and how 7Sage and hard work helped them get amazing scores. I must have watched each one at least 2-3 times. It helps when I need some extra motivation
Yes! Agree with @"Alex Divine". Especially on the skipping webinar. I am pretty early in my PT and felt so defeated after feeling as if time just demolished me while taking the test. I posted a discussion on here regarding it, to which everyone was extremely helpful and reassuring and also suggested the skipping webinar. That webinar really helped me understand skipping and established the need to skip. Hearing those points from other accomplished individuals, as already stated, is incredibly useful and helpful. I think you'll definitely find some great by watching them!
I've probably harped on this quite a bit, but until I watched that skipping webinar months back, I was stuck missing -5/-6 on each LR section and a ton on RC. With skipping, literally overnight, I went down to -3/-4 It really is such an underrated strategy and if you master it, you'll add points to your score simply from being able to keep your pace throughout the section.
I also agree with everyone else that this course is the best out there!! at first I started with the most basic package, but quickly realized that the ultimate plus (most expensive) is the way to go, as it gives you access to everything you will need. it was important to me to know that i had access to easy, medium and hard questions so that i feel fully prepared for the test.
Don't do it! I did 7sage and Powerscore, and powerscore was SUCH a waste of money and time.
I'll just echo what everyone's saying. Everything you need for success is included in the 7Sage package. I truly think that if more people knew about 7Sage, the other prep companies would go out of business. They give you so much less, while charging so much more.
I kind of agree with this, I mean the cost, JY's teaching style, and all the extra features you get along with the loving and helpful community is just amazing.
I actually don't think they are a waste, Powerscore that is. I think think fairly highly of the Bibles. Tons of people have used them to score 99%tile scores. I just think 7Sage teaches things more intuitively. I think with the Bibles you're left to figure out a lot more stuff on your own whereas JY really focus on strategy instead of just memorizing rules to follow to solve each question type. Also, their categories can be burdensome when you're starting out.
I agree that the Bibles are good, but the question at hand is if someone who paid for the 7Sage course should spend more money on the Bibles. That's where it becomes really iffy, and I wouldn't recommend it unless a couple hundred dollars here or there makes no difference to you.
I've said repeatedly that had I known about 7Sage before I spent well over $1000 on other prep materials, I would have certainly just bought the Ultimate + of 7Sage and nothing else.
Another word of advice: you can always order more study materials if you need them! You're only at the start of your LSAT journey, and you don't know where your biggest weaknesses will be two months from now. You are allowed to start studying before you've purchased all of your LSAT materials
I've made three waves of Amazon orders over my prep time. Just start!!
If you don't have non-mechanical pencils, get those soon so you're doing the PTs or timed sections with wooden pencils like you'll use on test day.
Oh that's good advice, I never thought of that. I am going to take the first pt untimed, just to get a baseline. I am almost through the material up to the point of taking the first practice test, it is all printed out and my poor printer is begging for more ink lol. I will get some regular number two pencils. I haven't had those in a dog's age.
Exactly this. Right now I don't have the money to keep buying material if I really don't need it. I am finishing my MBA, and we pay out of pocket for it as my GI bill ran out after my bachelor's degree. On top of that, I have two small children and we are currently on one income. I do have the ultimate package from 7sage, and I'm giving myself a full year to do it prior to testing.
For sure. I guess for me, I had the Power Score Bibles before 7Sage. I should have clarified and said the Power Score courses. I tried two different classes (switched out of the first into the second), and both times the instructors made too many mistakes answering questions for me to feel comfortable with their approach.
Yeah, getting stuck with a bad instructor can suck for sure. The Bibles themselves are decent, though. But my heart and trust belong to 7Sage