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Hey all!
Just wanted to see what others who are attempting to take the September test are studying right now..what's your study plan until the test date? I just went through the core curriculum,drilling Logic Games right now. Trying to figure out practice tests schedule right now. I'm studying full time until the test date so trying to figure out how to maximize my potential.
Currently I'm stuck. My LG are solid but my LR and RC are going back and forth with each other. Two weeks ago I was going -2 to -3 in LR but like -8 on RC. Now I'm going like -2 on RC and -6 on LR. It's so frustrating!!
Just finished 5 week LG foolproofing. Took my first PT today. About to finish BR so ill c how i did
In the process of fool proofing (currently on PT 15) and I have one lesson left for LR. I plan on dedicating all of July and August on PTs (1-2 per week) with blind review, drilling for weaknesses, and fool-proofing. I may postpone though and may do fewer PTs if my average PT score is below my target during August.
for those of you who don't have ultimate +, how are you fool proofing the logic games without the logic game bundle? sorting games by category and then attempting them accordingly?
I would say that the best way to foolproof games would be by PT for the benefits of practicing your identification of game type. However, I do know a lot of people that advocate for drilling by game type earlier on. For the game type sorting method, I hear good things about the Cambridge Packets. If you're going to do it by PT, you'll have to get ahold of PT's 1-35 in a book of some sorts.
I finished CC a few months ago and have been doing PTs and BRs since.
At this point of I'm doing a lot of drilling of question types for LR and a lot of drilling game types for LG. RC is one of my stronger sections, so I feel a lot of the work of getting those few questions right that I sometimes miss is just about improving my concentration while reading, so meditation is something I've made a priority. I have not found that adding tons of marks all over the reading passages has helped me with better answering RC questions (I tried a few methods). I seem to do better with just improving my concentration the first time around while I'm reading, and adding a few markings for core words, dates, or turning points in the passage arguments. I also feel a lot of it is just repetition and getting used to the styles of passages and question types. Science passages are the most foreign to me, so I'm aiming to drill those specifically.
I've found it really helpful to drill LR by question type, mostly for Must Be True/Must be False and Sufficient Assumption types because it gives me more felicity with the conditional chains and doing them faster. So doing a bunch in a row can build that fluency with conditional logic I've found. I plan to drill some of the Flaw ones as well to really get the identification of flaw types down to instant recognition.
LG is my weakest section. I still tend to score -6 or -7. I've done a ton of games. I started with just the Ultimate package, so I wasn't working with all games 1-35 at first. I did just upgrade, but I'm feeling foolproofing all of them is a bit too much for me at this point, mostly cause I'm unsure it is really the best strategy (for me personally!) for getting the best mark in LG. I did a lot of foolproofing with the games in the core curriculum and that was probably helpful, but I found that when confronted with a new game the foolproofing wasn't really as useful as I thought. I think when you are doing a game for the 6th or 7th time, you may be doing it finally under time, but it isn't the same game anymore because you've had so much exposure to it, so I don't feel it really determines how well I'd do on the next new game of a similar type. When I switched to Ultimate+ I decided to go with a different strategy. I just use the LG sections from 1-35 as Section 5 in my prep tests so that I get more exposure to LG games.
I've found this helpful as I always BR every LG I have in my test, so it means I do the LG, BR it and then watch J.Y's explanation. For me, that is enough and I'm not sure the extra foolproofing is really the best use of my time. Again, this is totally personal, but I feel the more exposure to more games is more valuable for me at this point. I do drills of certain types of games together (sequencing, grouping, in/out) and I DO think that is helpful to see patterns. But doing each game 7 or 8 times, even 4 times (unless it is a really hard one for you) I sort of don't see the point of. I feel a lot of the improvement in LG just comes with time and with doing games of similar types over and over in slightly different forms.
Again, I recommend drilling in types of games, I'm just sharing personally that doing the game once, BRing it, and watching J.Y's explanation is enough for me at this point (in response to @Mooseontheloose's question). It may be very dependent on where you are in your prep and how you best work and learn
My 2 cents
Not 100% sure if I'll be ready for September, as it depends on life, work, and most importantly where I'm scoring. So right now I'm just re-going through the CC and some extra books and making sure I can master everything I need to. My work schedule and life right now is a bit chaotic, so chances are I'm looking at December at the earliest.
@"Alex Divine" good luck! hope you figure it out!
I'm hoping for September, but might delay as well. I'm almost done with the CC, but have been taking a timed practice test every so often. Last time I did not take many timed LSATs and this definitely hurt me on test day.
After I finish the CC (hopefully in the next week), I plan on taking 1-2 timed LSATs/week. I also still have the Cambridge packets so I plan on utilizing those to help drill down on my weak areas. Right now I really struggle with timing. When I go back and BR my score generally jumps by 10 points. I'm hoping the more timed tests and timed practice I get, the quicker/easier it will become to work with the time constraints of the test.
Best of luck to you!
Thank you -- I really appreciate it!
Same to you