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PT66 RC .... major score drop

djdjjdjddjdjjdjd Free Trial Member
edited July 2017 in Reading Comprehension 17 karma

I took PT 66 RC a week ago and got -16. Without BRing for it I retook it just now and ended up with -13. Not much difference! I had to skip the last passage AGAIN and got stuck between 2 answer choices in 10 questions. The ACs were much harder to eliminate and I felt I was in a foreign land of RC. I felt so lost and confused throughout the proces. I wanted to test whether it was a major burnout or RC got significantly harder for me and unfortunately it was the latter. In PT 62 I had a similar experience with -16. I scored -7 (PT65), -5(PT64), -9 (PT63) but WTH went wrong with those two...? I'm wondering if anyone had a similar experience... I am scared of taking PT 67 to experience another FALL. Really hoping this RC was harder for a lot of people. Any advice on how to BR this PT RIGHT would be much appreciated. HELP ME.


  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 3072 karma


    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

  • djdjjdjddjdjjdjd Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    @goingfor99th said:

    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

    I haven't done it untimed yet. I will today. Both were timed. RC just didn't click for me anymore..

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 3072 karma

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

    I haven't done it untimed yet. I will today. Both were timed. RC just didn't click for me anymore..

    Sounds like burnout to me. How long have you been at it?

    Timed work can be detrimental to your efforts, especially if you're burnt out.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 3072 karma

    Oh, I'm sorry, you said 66. Let me check.

    I had 22/27 timed w/ 26/27 BR. The timed take was a warmup for me on that specific study day, also.

  • djdjjdjddjdjjdjd Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    @goingfor99th said:

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

    I haven't done it untimed yet. I will today. Both were timed. RC just didn't click for me anymore..

    Sounds like burnout to me. How long have you been at it?

    2 years this fall! I had a really low diagnostic score (139) so I knew I had a lot to work on. Things clicked for me really slowly and RC was the hardest section for me to enjoy studying for so it was the section I spent the least time on improving (I know -.-). My scores improved when I finally started to read for structure but I still have trouble seeing the big picture, not getting lost in details and remembering key points. I dont' have stellar short term memory so that is another thing I get frustated with.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 3072 karma

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

    I haven't done it untimed yet. I will today. Both were timed. RC just didn't click for me anymore..

    Sounds like burnout to me. How long have you been at it?

    2 years this fall! I had a really low diagnostic score (139) so I knew I had a lot to work on. Things clicked for me really slowly and RC was the hardest section for me to enjoy studying for so it was the section I spent the least time on improving (I know -.-). My scores improved when I finally started to read for structure but I still have trouble seeing the big picture, not getting lost in details and remembering key points. I dont' have stellar short term memory so that is another thing I get frustated with.

    That's the name of the game. How often do you take breaks? When did you last take a break and how long did it last? How often do you study and for how long?

    I don't know much about your routine but from what I do know it seems like you should focus more on untimed work. (I sound like a broken record with this particular bit of advice.) How much timed work do you do v. strictly untimed?

  • djdjjdjddjdjjdjd Free Trial Member
    17 karma

    @goingfor99th said:

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    @Mk0000777 said:

    @goingfor99th said:

    Do you honestly feel like you were doing your best work when you did it timed and then untimed?

    I just checked my PT 67 and I had a 26/27 untimed. I don't think it was a particularly difficult RC.

    I haven't done it untimed yet. I will today. Both were timed. RC just didn't click for me anymore..

    Sounds like burnout to me. How long have you been at it?

    2 years this fall! I had a really low diagnostic score (139) so I knew I had a lot to work on. Things clicked for me really slowly and RC was the hardest section for me to enjoy studying for so it was the section I spent the least time on improving (I know -.-). My scores improved when I finally started to read for structure but I still have trouble seeing the big picture, not getting lost in details and remembering key points. I dont' have stellar short term memory so that is another thing I get frustated with.

    That's the name of the game. How often do you take breaks? When did you last take a break and how long did it last? How often do you study and for how long?

    I study for about 6-7 hours a day. I took pt66 on June28 when I was indeed totally burnout. So I decided to take a break until I move to a new place. I spent the rest of the week packing my stuff and moved to a new house on Saturday. I had to do all unpacking and whatnot as soon as I moved into the new place. I restarted my prep yesterday reviewing my LR notes when I knew I was physically and mentally worn out but pushed it nevertheless because my exam is coming soon... Now that I'm writing this it makes me sad to realize I may need a longer break.

    I don't know much about your routine but from what I do know it seems like you should focus more on untimed work. (I sound like a broken record with this particular bit of advice.) How much timed work do you do v. strictly untimed?

    I do untimed RC when I BR. I have hars time doing 4 passages so timing is a big issue for me. Even with LR I tend to skip 5-6 questions.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 3072 karma

    I think you're right, you probably need a longer break. 6-7 hours a day is a lot. Two years is a long time. I admire your endurance.

    I know it seems counterintuitive, but a longer break may be the single best thing you could do for you LSAT studies at this point. A lot of times when I came back from reasonably long breaks, I had some of my biggest score increases. I took all of February off and my first timed section upon my return was my best ever up to that point, and that was an LR section.

    Do you ever do fresh sections untimed? I have to say I think untimed work done correctly provides more insight into this test than people realize. The mental burden of timed work can also be overwhelming if you're not at a certain point in your studies yet.

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