I never knew I could have such a strong physical reaction to icons changing colour. I almost cried when I saw the grey! Still shaky. OMG! Good luck friends!
What the fuck?? -9? I thought that the curves were suppose to be in our favor??????? What the fuck? Did they think they made it to easy for us???? What the hell. Everything is terrible. I'm so upset.
Ahhh here we go... what's the latest we would get our score?
Wait.. now what? ho wlong?
Congratulations everyone who took the exam, and now hallelujah the wait is over!!...sort of
just noticed it went grey !!!
I never knew I could have such a strong physical reaction to icons changing colour. I almost cried when I saw the grey! Still shaky. OMG! Good luck friends!
Has anyone gotten score yet??? When is first wave
@"K 440244" said:
The wait is just beginning
Finally going to know if I got a 180 or a 181. It all comes down to if I got the bonus question right.
@LSATiscoming we literally waited to begin waiting
This is the funniest thing I have seen all day!
@"Dillon A. Wright" any word yet on the curve?
Not yet
Anybody actually gotten their score yet?? The wait part 2 begins lol!
reports of -8/-9 curve
So does this mean everyone will find out their score tonight? Or are there some really lucky individuals who will be stuck waiting until tomorrow?
Reddit is saying the curve is -9...
@tylerdschreur10 the test was scored? I thought it was like a survey.. damn I screwed up
Absolute hell... GOD DAMN THIS
How the hell is it a -9 curve?!?!?!?!?
If that's the curve, I'm beyond terrified right now..... SOS I WANT TO CRY AND VOMIT AND SCREAM ALL AT THE SAME TIME
Jesus Christ -9???
Looks to be a -9 curve.
so much for tha t179 i was going for
Given that I'm pretty sure I missed 9 in the RC alone...maybe even 8 on just the inference section...
I'm freaking the f out. Jesus
so....any scores? because im kind of done celebrating grey
I was guessing it would be a single digit curve, LR and Games were too easy.
What the fuck?? -9? I thought that the curves were suppose to be in our favor??????? What the fuck? Did they think they made it to easy for us???? What the hell. Everything is terrible. I'm so upset.
Anyone happy with their score yet?? I've only read posts from people crying so far--need some positive stories PLEASE
My friend got his score he scored a 156
People are reporting scores on other sites.
@LSATiscoming i havent seen anyone post they got their scores
Confirmed -9 curve?
On TLS people have reported their scores. And anyway, it would be impossible to know the curve unless someone got their scores.
@uhinberg very true, sorry haha im just too nervous cant think
I didn't even take the June lsat and you all are giving me anxiety for September. Good luck everyone!!! You're going to kill it.
If the curve was -9, doesn't that mean it was an easier test overall?
170... I'll take it. My average was 175 and 170 matches my worst PT. Gonna retake still, but could have been a lot worse.
@bridgetka correct, it was an "easier" test, so you need to get more cprrect answers to get the same score you would on a "harder" test
Just got my score: 170.
Thank you to all you 7Sagers. Your logic, humor, and wit in the discussions and comments kept me sane the last 5 months.
Well 4 beers later, still no score ?
@i.a.tomesch congratulations that's awesome!!! Glad the hard work paid off!!
This is brutal.
How long from grey to scores typically?!
only got me score around 8 PM in January .. heres hoping its a little earlier this year.
Just got mine via email