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RC Tutoring with Sage Daniel |PT 35| Thursday, August 24, 8:30pm EDT

danielznelsondanielznelson Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
edited August 2017 in Study Groups 4186 karma

Same deal as Oldies but Goodies - just different title!

RC got you like this?

Thanks to Josh (a.k.a @"Cant Get Right" ), we're going to work on changing that!

While Josh will continue to handle (primarily) LR from the old PTs, I'll now be hosting an RC-focused Oldies but Goodies, following Josh's PT schedule along the way. Eye-roll-inducing, artsy fartsy passages? Obnoxiously dull and dizzying science passages? Inference Questions? Obligatory GIFs?? Yes to all!!

If you're able, swing by after having already done the RC section of the week. We'll breakdown one or two passages, the respective answer choices, and strategies for expertly and efficiently moving through the section. Our sessions will always be best with input, so don't be afraid to chime in!

Let's make RC something to look forward to!

Oldies but Goodies - PT 35
Thursday, August 24, 8:30 PM EDT

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