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What exactly is "foolproofing"?

awood5awood5 Free Trial Member
in General 15 karma

Hey y'all! I've seen a lot about "foolproofing"--what exactly is it and how do I do it? Also, can it be done for more than just LG?



  • theLSATgrind2017theLSATgrind2017 Alum Member
    440 karma

    It means doing LG sections from PT 1-35 under timed conditions specified by JY. If you can't get a -0 under, for instance 5 minutes, then watch JY's video, memorize the infrences and try again at a later time.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Hi, @awood5
    Foolproofing, generally, is what we call taking an LG game and tryimg to understand everything about it. First, you print out multiple copies of the game and then attempt it. Were u able to do it? How long did it take? So after doing it timed you watch the video explanation for the game and then do it again and again until you can get the game under the recommended time. It is generally an intensive that people devote their whole day of studying too for however long it takes to get comfortable. Generally people foolproof all the games from 1 to 35. There is a method created by @pacifico that many swear by. The goal is to get comfortable wiith all the different standard game types and memorize certain key recurring inferences.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @theLSATgrind2017 said:
    It means doing LG sections from PT 1-35 under timed conditions specified by JY. If you can't get a -0 under, for instance 5 minutes, then watch JY's video, memorize the infrences and try again at a later time.

    Yup. This sums it up. Also, here's a perfect video of JY explaining it:

    you also don't have to do all of 1-35, though generally recommended. You should ideally aim to fool proof probably every game though. It will only make you better and faster at the harder games!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    can @Pacifico weigh in? I'd love to see their method :)

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Here is the renowned @Pacifico method that I and many other successful Sagers have followed and adapted.

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