PT5.S3.Q18 - private vs nationalized health insurance

NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
edited August 2017 in Logical Reasoning 5320 karma

I find myself struggling with Disagree questions. It's difficult to keep the moving parts together and find the overlap. Especially when there are embedded clauses which obfuscate the domain of discourse or in particularly loooong questions such as this one.

I think my recent focus on Disagree questions is starting to cause me to get worse at them lol. If anyone has a question analysis or feedback for this question or Disagree questions in general, I would love to hear it.



  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    I like to do disagree questions like A- B RC passages. You read one argument and go through the answers - anything that the first one doesn't address I take it out and depending on what the argument said I mark agree or disagree next to the answer choices that it did address. Then I read the second one and go over the remaining answer choices.

    This way I don't have to worry about overlaps or worry about keeping a lot of information in my head.

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Thanks @Sami. I'll start incorporating this.

  • vspicy23vspicy23 Member
    190 karma

    @OliviaGilltoz how is this relevant to the main discussion question?

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