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hard work does pay off

Leena300Leena300 Alum Member
in General 85 karma

Hey guys so I posted a comment a couple weeks ago on how I was testing at 154 and blind reviewing at 167, well now I am currently testing between 159-163, I obviously am aiming higher but it is satisfying watching yourself improve, so for those who may be frustrated right now keep pushing yourself and you will see results and this is coming from someone who had a diagnostic of a 145.


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited August 2017 13286 karma

    Congrats!!! That's one of the most frustrating plateau's to break. It's always a motivation to hear about other people having success with this test. Keep up the hard work! The next step is in sight and now you just have to work for it!!

    Just always remember, you're capable and you deserve it just as much as the next guy/gal!!

  • AndWhyisBwrongAndWhyisBwrong Alum Member
    92 karma

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is so encouraging, way to work! You deserve it! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!

  • Gino_the_Slow_OneGino_the_Slow_One Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    This is encouraging for me to see... I hope I can break my own plateau of 147 soon.

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    There ya go! Congrats on the progress!

  • acsimonacsimon Alum Member
    1269 karma

    Big things.High 160s in sight!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

  • annewr253annewr253 Alum Member
    439 karma

    Congrats! This is always encouraging!

  • jpandljpandl Alum Member
    112 karma

    Thanks for sharing I relate to you in this issue

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I love hearing stories like this and it's so crucial to remember that hard work on this test does pay off!

  • morzoeymorzoey Alum Member
    16 karma

    How long did it take for this progress!? Congrats

  • Leena300Leena300 Alum Member
    85 karma

    Hi guys, so I started studying the beginning of May and put in a full 40 hour a week, I took my first real practice test at the end of June and scored a 152. I started 7sage in the beginning of july and that is when I felt everything began to click with respect to the lsat trainer, and I used the Manhattan prep for logical reasoning. I started scoring between a 154-157 and blind reviewing in the high 160s throughout the month of July. The month of august is when i started creeping into the 160 region, and again I was putting in a full 40 hour week. For me one of my issue was not finishing the test on time, where I would miss 5 questions for logical reasoning per section, so building speed with practice has helped me a lot. I also learnt it's okay to skips questions and answer other questions you are more likely to get right.

  • 60 karma

    Congratulations!!! And, thank you so much for sharing this with us. It is always very encouraging to see how people can actually improve on this test. Keep up the great work!

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    Congrats! Keep up with the hard work!

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    edited August 2017 5320 karma

    @gills123 great work! keep your nose to the grind stone and keep up the gains.

    My diagnostic was 148. I'm PTing in the mid to high 160s and BRing in the 170s now. Logic, time management, self-discipline, reading retention -- these things are all learnable/improvable.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma


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