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Ptsd and testing accommodations

yoojeanie1314yoojeanie1314 Free Trial Member
in General 50 karma

I have been diagnosed with PTSD and a neurological disorder. I thought these conditions are overcomable, but I am starting to think otherwise.

My br scores are either in 180 or very high170s. However, my pt scores fluctuate hugely. I can go from -0 on a timed section and take a same section of similar difficulty and land a -10. This happens to me with all 3 section types.

My pt score can fluctuate 15-20 points dependingg on how the ptsd and the neurological condition affect me that day.

My problem is that I run out of time. I've watched a video of myself, have practiced answering questions efficiently, and have done everything within reason to fix any remaining bad habits.

I noticed that the key factor btw -0 and -10 is attention. When im in a bad neurological condition, it also triggers ptsd, and nothing on the page makes sense. I have to reread the same word (not even a difficult word) multiple times to even understand. And then i run out of time because im reading and re-reading words.

Im starting to feel that its beyond my control to overcome my conditions. Does anyone have any advice? Should i start looking into lsac testing accommodations?

And i also cant take any medications because of my neurological condition.


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    I would highly recommend looking into accommodations. Obviously PTSD is a very serious condition that has a ton of impact on every day life. As a Vet, I've known many people with PTSD and I've see how bad it can be.

    I would call or email the LSAC and ask about accommodations for this. I would also contact your doctor because they will need to do paper work for you before the accommodation is granted.

    I think it is too late for September, so if you are signed up I highly recommend postponement until you can get this worked out with the LSAC and a doctor.

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @yoojeanie1314 def start the process to get accommodations. Start early because you need your doctor to fill out certain forms and there is a long wait for response from lsac. Go to the lsac page for the necessary docs. If you're planning on Dec. get started now. Also, you'll need new forms signed for each time you test so keep that in mind as well.

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