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Alright people...lets not lose scope!

LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
edited August 2017 in General 13286 karma

Today has been a pretty active day on the 7Sage forms. Trust me I know, this place is a damn obsession for me. We need to all stop for a minute and breath.

With the September test a couple of weeks away, everyone can feel the pressure starting to crush down on them. We have a few weeks of study left, scores are fluctuating, sections are biting us in the ass and it's filling our heads with "what ifs?" And "should I's?"

Don't panic. We've been at this for weeks, months, and even years. We KNOW what this test is asking of us. We KNOW that we have good days and bad days. We know a lot.

Come September 16th, we will sit down to take a 5 section LSAT. That test will include;

• At least two LR sections. Each section will have NA, SA, Flaw, RRE, MBT, Para Reasoning, MC,Disagee/Agree, argument part and a few others. WE KNOW THIS. You know how to approach the questions, you've done it hundreds of times before. Chin-up, focus, and charge in.

•At least one LG section. There will be 4 games. We've done tons of them before. The game board is key, understanding rules is important and inferences are what the questions ask about. Look at game pieces, see how they interact, spend the time upfront. You've done it a hundred times before. Even an odd game is doable, you just need to know what is being asked. You KNOW how to do Lg.

•At least one RC. You know what, to hell with the notion that "modern tests RC is hell". Do you want to psych yourself out? Instead take it one passage at a time. Engage with the passage, and be an active reader. Familiarize yourself with structure. Be proactive in how you read. Anticipate questions, identify attitudes and be willing to adapt. Eliminate answers that are wrong, and the right will eventually show up. We KNOW that there are 4 passages and we KNOW that one will be on a subject we probably don't care about. So make yourself care, don't get caught up in stress on how hard it is. We KNOW what RC looks like.

•One experimental section from the list above. Like I've said, we KNOW what to expect from each section. We have done it over and over and over again. Focus on the questions, the assumptions, the argument structure, the inferences, the passage layout, the authors attitude. Do NOT focus on how hard the test is.

You've got this people. You've done it before, you'll do it again and then you'll do it in September. Review your fundamentals, address your worry spots, but remember the LSAT is a standardized test, it can not change THAT much. You are capable, you can do it, prove it to yourself.

And remember, this is just a test. It doesn't define you.


  • estherpete.94estherpete.94 Member
    10 karma

    Thank you for the pep talk @LSATcantwin! Much appreciated!

  • rafaelitorafaelito Alum Member
    1063 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    scores are fluctuating

    Yes to all of this amazing post. Thank you. I needed it. The above ^ made me crushed recently. But we all have good days and bad days. Good luck to you and everyone.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @RafaelBernard said:

    @LSATcantwin said:
    scores are fluctuating

    Yes to all of this amazing post. Thank you. I needed it. The above ^ made me crushed recently. But we all have good days and bad days. Good luck to you and everyone.

    I feel you. Yesterday during my PT I missed a rule on a LG. My score dropped a ton and I felt almost like crying. Then I took a breath, refreshed myself and gave myself a similar pep talk. One missed rule yesterday does NOT say anything about September. Just like your bad score doesn't define you in September

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Whoop! Whoop! love your pep talks. I hope you're still around when I take my test!

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @tringo335 said:
    Whoop! Whoop! love your pep talks. I hope you're still around when I take my test!

    You won't need me. You'll be a master and completely ready!

  • Maddie D.Maddie D. Alum Member
    325 karma

    Yesssss amen! Let's do this, everyone. Be sure to get out of the house, hang with friends, and have a drink or two if that's something you're into as we approach. It's dangerous to fall into that "IF I DON'T GET [SCORE] I WILL DIE" mindset. It's a test. It's a test we know pretty well by this point. Crush the damn thing.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited August 2017 4196 karma

    I just hope we don't get a misc game, that is the only thing making me nervous. Everything else is fine. But either way, misc game or not, I'm motivated to get this test over with 8)

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    LSATcantwin: 1/2 LSAT master and 1/2 motivational speaker. Thanks for keeping us motivated!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @tringo335 said:
    Whoop! Whoop! love your pep talks. I hope you're still around when I take my test!

    You won't need me. You'll be a master and completely ready!

    Yea but just sign on every now and then for a motivational quote lol

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