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Just took my first diagnostic and got a 145 (crashed and burned), would like some opinions!

l.givilanczktvl.givilanczktv Free Trial Member
in General 33 karma

So i just did my first cold diagnostic, and got a 145.... exact numbers are -9 on LG (very rushed but answered all), -17 on 1 LR (Took my time and answered B just to fill in the last 8 questions and missed them all), -13 on another LR (realized i needed to speed up and still answered B on the last 5 just to fill something in), and -12 on RC (Took to much time and didn't finish the last 6 and filled in B and missed them all, plus rushed the 3rd passage trying to get to the 4th). Its my first time ever even looking at the LSAT outside of some pretty generic explanations. I was expecting a lower score but am still pretty discouraged. Timing was AWEFUL, reasoning was clouded because my timing was AWFUL, i had no idea on some questions. lol it was a pretty big crash and burn. LOTS more red on my answer sheet than black. Anyway, i guess i just had to vent and ask if anyone was or is in this same boat. Also wanted to ask advice from any of you in your experiences.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"l.givilanczktv" said:
    So i just did my first cold diagnostic, and got a 145.... exact numbers are -9 on LG (very rushed but answered all), -17 on 1 LR (Took my time and answered B just to fill in the last 8 questions and missed them all), -13 on another LR (realized i needed to speed up and still answered B on the last 5 just to fill something in), and -12 on RC (Took to much time and didn't finish the last 6 and filled in B and missed them all, plus rushed the 3rd passage trying to get to the 4th). Its my first time ever even looking at the LSAT outside of some pretty generic explanations. I was expecting a lower score but am still pretty discouraged. Timing was AWEFUL, reasoning was clouded because my timing was AWFUL, i had no idea on some questions. lol it was a pretty big crash and burn. LOTS more red on my answer sheet than black. Anyway, i guess i just had to vent and ask if anyone was or is in this same boat. Also wanted to ask advice from any of you in your experiences.


    I'm serious when I say this, but don't worry about your diagnostic score ever again. It truly doesn't matter one bit. Imagine taking a college class's final exam on the first day for a class you have no experience in ... Chances are you wouldn't do very well. That's just because you haven't learned anything about the class yet and the LSAT is just like that.

    Many people start off in the 130s, 140s, 150s, etc, and ultimately end up scoring very well on the test. You just have to dedicate time to learning to do well on this test like anything else. Try not to feel discouraged but motivated to go forward and kill this exam!

    Good luck! :)

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    Yeah, dont worry one. I think i also scored a 147 on my diag. And this past week got a 173. Its like being tested in a different language.
    This is the beginning of your LSAT journey.
    Focus on the CC and be relentless while learning the fundementals, youve got this!!
    Rooting for you;)

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I think the diagnostic is a waste of time. Don't worry about it. Just get to work!

    I started at 148 and I'm scoring in upper 160s now. The diagnostic really means very little.

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    If you need some motivation my diagnostic was a 144 and I just PTed poorly at 158. You can do this!

  • ZaTablerZaTabler Alum Member
    513 karma

    look at it the way.. you can only go up from here!!

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2988 karma

    I'm in the anti-diagnostic camp. I didn't take one because I knew it would be a bloodbath :sweat_smile: Like others have said, don't worry about it, just hunker down and get to studyin'. Progress is right around the corner!

  • HshutterHshutter Alum Member
    90 karma

    My first diagnostic was a 139. I studied for 5 weeks, took the actual LSAT, and got 155. I'm studying now to retake and my best so far has been 166. Hang in there!

  • CJF_2180CJF_2180 Alum Member
    106 karma

    You can do it! Take your time learning all of the material and don't give up. Like a lot of people already commenting, my diagnostic was a 148. My last timed PT was 163 and I've been BR in the 167 range. So don't give up. It takes time and patience with yourself. Don't beat yourself up. Just stay positive and keep going.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    This is totally normal; don't feel bad at all. Get to studying and you'll definitely see an increase :)

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    No worries! My diagnostic was a 141 and I'm now in the upper 160s. Don't dwell on your score. Jump into the curriculum and go from there. Don't speed through the curriculum just to PT because you will just be spinning your wheels until you swallow your pride and realize that you have to go through the curriculum again.

  • TomBradyTomBrady Member
    20 karma

    My diagnostic score was a 143. I was exhausted after I took it and started to feel like law school was not for me. I have been slowly plugging away ever since (you will have ups and downs... be patient!) and I am now consistently scoring a 164. I am scheduled to take the December test this year and I am hoping to increase my score by 4-6 points.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    A diagnostic is meaningless. If you didn't do well, who cares? You can study and get that score way higher. Put in the work, and I guarantee you that you will laugh about your diagnostic later on.

    I got like a 140something on my diagnostic, my most recent PTs were all upper 160's and lower 170's. Just brush it off, screw diagnostics.

  • s_jrickes_jricke Alum Member
    360 karma

    My diagnostic was like 150 about two or three years ago. I just started taking prep tests about a month ago and through seven tests I'm averaging 168.4 with two 172s in there. I still feel like I've got a long way to go, but I'm pretty sure the diagnostic is meaningless in the long run.

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