Scores not aligning with amount of studying - in panic mode need advice!

swish029swish029 Member
in General 15 karma

Hello everyone,

I am set to take the September LSAT and have been studying content since early May. I finished the core curriculum about a month ago and have been getting in the low 140s. Should I start reconsidering? Anyone have any successful review methods after core curriculum?


  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    If you're in the low 140's, def postpone. It's not worth taking the test if you're PTing that low, regardless of this new unlimited takes rule.

    Go back into the CC when needed, just because you finished it once doesn't mean you shouldn't look back at it when needed. So def do that if you feel like it could be helpful.

    The PTs that you have done, are you throughly reviewing them before checking your answers? You should be doing this. Review is the most important part of a PT, because without it, you won't know what to work on.

    Also, drilling helps a bunch. For LR, drill by question type and do a bunch of the same Q type at once. For LG do by game types and learn their patterns of how to set them up. For RC, it's a bit more preferential I think, you can drill by subject type or just do sections from PT's.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Hello Swish,

    First, you need to watch this amazing webinar by sage/mentor/tutor @"Cant Get Right"

    This outlines exactly what to do after you have finished the CC and it is one of the most helpful and informative LSAT webinars I have seen.

    Second, yes, I would reconsider. What are some of your target schools? That can be a good way to set an LSAT score goal.

  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    edited September 2017 1084 karma

    For what it is worth, and J.Y says it often, I really think you should give yourself 10 months to a year to study for this test. There will be some people that can master the curriculum in less than that, but I think they are the exception rather than the rule. I'm talking about if you want to score in the high 160s or above. There is lots of great content and resources here on 7sage you can utilize for blind reviewing and making the most out of the CC. I'd recommend checking out the webinars and study groups as well.

  • CJF_2180CJF_2180 Alum Member
    106 karma

    I would postpone, but not give up. I definitely recommend going back through the CC. It's a pain, but it's really helpful. I went through it completely twice and it's a big help. Now I'm just refering back to it as needed. Also, I don't know how long you've been studying, but taking a break can be a big help. I took a lot of time off because I was panicking and stressing out so bad that all of my PTs were bad. I came back, did the CC again, took my time. Progress can be painfully slow, but don't give up.

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