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The Week Before - Plans? + Mental Exhaustion/Eye Fatigue

Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member

Hey all,

I was wondering what you all were planning on doing the week before the exam. As of now I think I'm going to PT on Monday and Wednesday, then just light drilling/taking the day off Thursday and Friday.

Also, was wondering if anyone had some helpful tips on relieving mental exhaustion or eye fatigue post-PT?


  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    Taking the week off work. This almost goes without saying.

    As for how I'll spend my time... day before the test I will travel down to the city, scope out the venue, eat a nice meal and relax (go see a film, go to a gallery). The week before I plan on doing a LG section per day just to keep up my skills. I will probably read the news that week to keep up my reading skills (but probably not doing RC drills). Maybe 3 or 4 days before the test I will do a full timed PT and blind review any circled questions, but I probably won't grade the test. This is to avoid anxiety. I want to do the test just to keep on top of the timing and blind review to keep on top of the deep reasoning the questions demand.

    Apart from this I will be hitting the gym as normal, maybe a day or two extra. Trying to meditate too. Nice healthy meals. Just anything I can do to make myself feel as fresh as possible. Nothing crazy.

  • extramediumextramedium Alum Member
    419 karma

    How about the week before the week of the test? I was thinking about taking 2 PTs this week and then another before the test date. I feel like combining that with BR and drilling will be exhausting though.

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I'm taking like 4 this week lol. I think getting more PTs under your belt now should help.

  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    737 karma

    I was planning on taking a PT this weekend, BR from then on.

    Not sure if I want to score the test because of anxiety, what do you guys think? But yeah, definitely take PT this Sunday, then just BR and drill up until about Wednesday, do light drilling to no prep Thursday and Friday.

    Note, I am taking the September LSAT for more of a feeler test. My thinking is, if Im gonna fuck up/get nervous, let it be on this one. I know December I will have more games under my belt, more PT's, and I'll be ready to go. Fully committed to enrolling next Fall, been pushing back for too long now.

  • BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
    553 karma

    Too many PTS isnt a good thing usually. Thats how i approached my first two takes, did a BUNCH of pts up until test day, totally bombed.. then I just chilled out the following month after the test and decided to PT again just to see where I was at and I killed it. You need to chill out and let what you've learned take root. And you need to let your brain recover.

    Worst thing to do is get hung up over 1 bad PT when you know you've done better.

    If you know the stuff, you know it. The more relaxed, confident and positive you are about it, the more easily youll be able to call upon that knowledge on test day, and you will make less stupid mistakes like misreading a word that messes up your score.

    If you're taking a PT, just take that PT for the day and chill out. The next day go over it again untimed , then the day after just review some concepts. That's what i've been doing this whole time and I spend maybe like 3 hours a day studying. Then take a break.

    Dont think that this is the week or two where you ramp up your timed practice. It's not. Quite the opposite.

  • AnthonyScaliaAnthonyScalia Alum Member
    330 karma

    To add to what Kewlaidd said, consider taking PTs in the couple of weeks before the real thing until you get a streak of 2 or 3 PTs that you're really happy with. Ending on that note will give you a nice boost of confidence going into Saturday. If you designate a certain number or schedule of tests, you run the risk of doing well consistently, only to have an uncharacteristic poor performance throw off your mojo right before the 16th.

  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    1084 karma

    I'm doing one more full PT today at the library, then planning just to blind review and drill lightly till test day. Maybe a few timed 30 minute sections next week just to keep me sharp.

    I'm not planning to score the test today, but rather just focus on areas of weakness. I think best to let go of numbers at this point and focus on content and concepts.

    Best of luck to everyone

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