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Hurricane Irma

Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
edited September 2017 in General 776 karma

So, I can't catch a break with this test.

I was finally really starting to make progress and then a hurricane decided to blow in to town. If anyone hasn't gathered yet, I live in Florida. While it's not suppose to land until next week (Monday) the whole state is in chaos. I saw two women get in to a full out fight over a case of gatorade. Moral of the story here is - i'm not going to get any studying done between now and the exam. I genuinely did not want to have to wait till December. Any Harvey people have some input? I would really appreciate it. Should I postpone? What do you think LSAC will do?

Much love, send water.


Edit: I'm located in Northern Florida for the most part, but if this thing bounces in to the gulf I will be a direct hit. If this thing bounces up the coast, then my family will be a direct hit and I will be rushing to the coast to help evacuate starting Thursday. I'm assuming my testing center won't be majorly effected though.


  • LSAT Is ComingLSAT Is Coming Alum Member
    530 karma

    @Victoria14 said:
    So, I can't catch a break with this test.

    I was finally really starting to make progress and then a hurricane decided to blow in to town. If anyone hasn't gathered yet, I live in Florida. While it's not suppose to land until next week (Monday) the whole state is in chaos. I saw two women get in to a full out fight over a case of gatorade. Moral of the story here is - i'm not going to get any studying done between now and the exam. I genuinely did not want to have to wait till December. Any Harvey people have some input? I would really appreciate it. Should I postpone? What do you think LSAC will do?

    Much love, send water.


    Edit: I'm located in Northern Florida for the most part, but if this thing bounces in to the gulf I will be a direct hit. If this thing bounces up the coast, then my family will be a direct hit and I will be rushing to the coast to help evacuate starting Thursday. I'm assuming my testing center won't be majorly effected though.

    1) Hello Sansa, hope you are doing well! Send a raven from time to time.

    2) Make safety your #1 priority. I am not sure LSAC has finalized plans for Houston test-takers, but they have made it clear that they plan to accommodate them. I am sure they will do the same for Florida test-takers. If you feel you are ready to take the exam (which you should 1.5 weeks out), then I would advise going ahead and taking it in September (or whenever LSAC reschedules it for you). While the chaos will probably keep you from taking full practice tests, you will probably have time to do individual sets to keep you sharp. If you do not feel ready at this point, perhaps you should push to December.

    I would imagine the added stress of the hurricane (if it hits) could also merit a brief addendum if your score comes back a few points lower than expected.

    Stay safe!!

  • KillmongerKillmonger Alum Member
    332 karma

    LSAC hasn't finalized plans and like i said about a week ago i was considering taking the December LSAT instead of this September one. Things have died down and the LSAC is giving us the option of relocating to a different center of our choosing or giving us a free transfer to a later date. It just so happens the hurricane is going to hit you with less time to recover so just evaluate everything. Applying early isn't as important as a high LSAT score. So bunker down. If you plan on studying during the hurricane and the aftermath, print out your study materials now, because you may not have power or internet access. I literally brought more study materials than clothes LOL when i came to my parents crib.

    Number 1 thing is to be safe, LSAT comes after that.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    If things get bad, I'm almost certain LSAC will postpone the exam for those affected to a later date in place of the sept 16th date. However, I think postponing to December wouldn't be a bad idea as you are going to be under stress from now until probably when you'd take the sept exam due to this hurricane. more time to study is always the best option, and if you still need to improve then I'd say postpone. with a December score you can still get into some great schools.

    stay safe, Victoria!!

  • I live in Tampa, and was wondering about all this. I just told my roommate recently that I am finally starting to feel prepared for this test, and then this fucking hurricane shows up.

  • KateelaineKateelaine Alum Member
    172 karma

    Hey there,

    I'm down in Palm Beach county, FL. Right now, I'm living right where it'll touch down, so the damage will be pretty epic; it'll be a direct hit if it stays on its path. Currently deciding with my family if we'll leave or stay. I emailed LSAC asking about what they'll do, and below I've copied and pasted what they told me as of this morning.

    "Thank you for writing. We do understand your concern, and we are actively monitoring the situation in the region. Please know that your safety is our primary concern. Because there are so many open questions, we do not have any additional September test center information to share with you at this time. In the case of a closing we will notify affected examinees of their options as soon as possible. That notification would be sent to you by email, so please make sure you have an active email address indicated in your LSAC online account.

    If you know you will be unable to take the September LSAT, or if you do not wish to wait for additional information about available test centers for September, you may request a test date change to the December 2017 or the February 2018 LSAT. Or, if you would prefer to take the September LSAT at an alternate location, you may request a test center change to a center outside the affected region. Please call 215.968.1001 to speak with a representative, or contact LSACinfo@LSAC.org to submit your request. Our representatives will complete either a test date or test center change for you at no charge. If you are opting for a test center change for September, please contact us by Monday, September 11.

    We will continue to contact you by email regarding the September LSAT in your region once more information is available. We thank you for your patience while we work to provide you the best possible options."

    I seriously do not want to push back my test date until December. I'm retaking having taken the exam in June. If I push back to December I think I'll be epically burned out, and it'll effect my timing for when I want applications to be in. From what I can tell, LSAC is letting Harvey victims just take in December of February without a change fee or something. Personally, I'm leaning towards just changing locations and flying somewhere to take the exam. I'm not going to let Irma screw up my future in law school.

  • nessa.k13.0nessa.k13.0 Inactive ⭐
    edited September 2017 4141 karma

    I called my testing location in Lakeland FL and they haven't made a decision about what will happen in the likely event that Irma ruins our lives. I was told they are waiting on LSAC to make the call and that they will email us (by next Thursday) about cancelling the test, using an alternative makeup date, or if we'll have to take December or Feb. If anyone is on the coast or low laying areas just gtfo if you can (Jet Blue is adding flights and offering them at $99). Life > Sept LSAT
    If you're staying and determined to take the Sept test keep all your prep materials dry. I'm going to stack all my books and papers on top of shelves and away from windows...not much use if the roof is gone though
    Be safe y'all!

  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    edited September 2017 378 karma

    Sending my thoughts and, above all, my money to you all. Stay safe!

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    First off, serious shout to everyone who responded to me. You guys are amazing. @amedley88 @"nessa.k13.0" @Katharine @dazedandconfused @TheMikey @"marvin.dike" @"LSAT_is_Coming"

    I just shot off an email to LSAC to see what they say, but i'm assuming i'll get the same bounce email. Florida is essentially in chaos. I'm trying my best to study at school in between classes, but it's quite stressful. My apartment AC has died as well. I think i'm going to do a PT and see if all of my stress is seriously screwing my score. If it is (because sometimes i'm that weird person that thrives in stress) then I will ask to post pone to December.

    Now for my fellow Floridans, if you are in Orlando or even more south, it's time to get out. This storm is not running into the Cuban mountains and should land at a Cat 4. If you have a trash bag to spare, put your LSAT materials in it to protect from water damage and just leave. Publix's are getting water every morning and Walmart's have water shipments landing every couple of hours at one store in almost every town. Find out which store it is and camp out. Try to help elderly people with loading and unloading cases of water. Bring your cart back to the store and grab a couple on your way in. I spent a half hour at Publix bringing in dozens of carts with the managers and they literally about cried. Both gave me sweaty hugs and asked if they could get me anything and I just said no, but to call if they needed help and gave them my number. Fill up your cars with gas. Travel in the middle of the night, particularly if you have animals or children. It's significantly cooler incase you get stuck in a grid lock and the roads are way less congested. Please bring your pets!

    PSA over, study hard fellow LSATers

  • Meli62695Meli62695 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    In the past they have pushed the exam back a few days to a week so I hope they will be able to do the same for us. It would not be fair for us to be penalized for something out of our control. I hope they push the exam back a week or so. If anyone has any updated I would love to know, thank you all (:

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    Stay safe, vic and all other individuals that are or will be affected by Irma.

    irma, we hate you, screw off.

  • KateelaineKateelaine Alum Member
    172 karma

    At this point, I'm not leaving Florida. I live south of Jupiter, and apparently the 7 million of us south of Jupiter have been asked not to leave unless we're in a flood zone. My house is not in a flood zone, has a new roof, and has hurricane windows. I'm not gonna panic until it's time to panic. Also, I'm actually concerned about trying to leave, getting stuck in the grid-locked traffic of people getting out, then running out of gas and then having to sit through a hurricane in the middle of nowhere stranded in my car. But I really hope they'll give us an alternate test date. There's literally no where else in Florida to evacuate to, and if all our applications get screwed because of a hurricane it'll seriously suck.

    I'm just gonna pass on the hurricane-preparedness wisdom I was raised with (anyone else a native Floridian? lol):
    Tip for success: shower the night before the storm hits so if/when you lose power, you start out fresh and clean. Also do your laundry and sheets before it hits... for the same reason.
    DO NOT go out during the eye of the storm. It ends abruptly, often trapping people outside during the storm. It seems safe because it's calm, but if you wander out and the hurricane starts back when you're still outside, you'll probably die.
    DO NOT step in a puddle/standing water if you cannot see where the water ends. There could be a live wire in the water thereby leading to your death.
    If you can, park your car in a covered/secured place above ground level. So if you have access to a parking garage at school or apartment complex, use it. Or even pay to park in an airport parking garage. The way I see it, I'd way rather pay to have my car safe and sound, than have it totaled with my neighbor's mailbox through the windshield and a dead raccoon in the back seat.

  • Victoria14Victoria14 Alum Member
    776 karma

    @Katharine said:
    The way I see it, I'd way rather pay to have my car safe and sound, than have it totaled with my neighbor's mailbox through the windshield and a dead raccoon in the back seat.

    I literally inhaled my drink on accident. Dead raccoon. Real Florida problems.

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