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Hello fellow 7Sage students! I am taking the December LSAT and wanted to see who else is, and if you wanted to form a study group! I am aiming for a 155-158, but I welcome all that are really serious about getting it done the next few months! Who's with me?
I am taking the December LSAT! I'm surprised there hasn't been much activity in the December forum. Would love to form a study group. What's your status? Have you finished the CC and are you PTing? Which and when is your next PT?
I'm taking Sept and have Dec as back up. finished 70% of course(except RC).
I'm re-writing December. I'd definitely be open to a study group, although I'm pretty new to the idea!
I am taking in December and love the idea of a study group!
@"jourdan.gardner" count me in.
Im still undecided about september but december is looking likely. When do you guys plan on starting
I too am taking the December test. I am past the CC and am in the PTs phase. I am definitely in for a study group!
I'd love to join a December study group!
I am happy to begin coordinating schedules. Could everyone post
1. Days+times available
2. Any PTs already taken
If someone has experience with 7Sage study groups and could also share how groups typically "meet" (Skype? Google hangout..?), please do.
@mcmlaw36 @nathanieljschwartz @"jourdan.gardner" @"ella.salvator" @nicholasthomas127 @tanes256 @"Idil.Beshir" @dennisgerrard
I'm interested and I will be taking December text.
I am interested as I am taking the December test as well.
I'm interested!! I'm aiming for December
Aiming for Dec LSAT too
I'd like to be part of a study group if that happens. My schedule is flexible!
I am aiming for the December LSAT too! I'd love to be part of the study group! My schedule is pretty flexible!
I am interested! Aiming for the December test date and my schedule is flexible as well!
I hope to finish the CC by mid September and then start PTs.
I would love to join a study group for December's test! My diagnostic was 160 from the June 07 PT. That is the only one I have taken. Been working my way through the CC. However, I would take PT's as early as this weekend it someone could get one started. I have no idea how.
count me in
I am new to the online chats as well, but I am available most nights after 8pm (9pm ET) as well as weekends. We can do problem sets together, BR, or even specific question types if we all struggle with the same types or sets. I am still working through the latter half of the course, but I have only taken a few prep tests so I have a large availability with which tests we can do!
Sorry for the delay, but I would also be interested in a December Study Group!
I was scoring well with PT50-60 improving each test looking to take the september test then I got past PT 63 and felt like there was a huge shift in difficulty. Now I'm aiming for December.
Game to join a study community of some kind! I'm studying full-time from now till then.
Question, are you guys taking practice sections/tests while doing the CC or are you planning on ripping through the CC then fully devoting to tests? I've already been at it since January so I've done a bit of both... just curious what anyone has found to be helpful.
I'm interested too! I'm registered for Sept but just decided that I need to take in December to be fully ready. I'm maybe 70% of the way through cc, and have done a handful of PTs (34, 54, 62, 63, 68). I work a full time office job so am mostly available evenings and weekends (after 6pm Pacific weekdays). Also not super able to do full PTs except on weekends.
@pasu1223 I started studying full-time at the end of June and began PTing immediately (starting from the earliest tests I could get my hands on) thinking I would sit for the Sept exam. After about a month, I hit a plateau in low/mid-160s. I signed up for 7Sage at the beginning of August and took about a month to get through the CC. My plan now is to begin PTing 2-3x/week with intense BR (something I wasn't doing before).
From everything I've read on these forums, the general advice is to get through the CC (many do it twice!) before PTing. I would be curious to hear what others think.
I would most definetly recommend finishing the CC b4 pting.. i think after the CC everyone should foolproof games if you arent near -0. And then slowly work on LR
me too.
I'm in I'm taking Sep as well and Dec as back up. But I have a toddler and need to just get one test date in in case something happens in the few months. Aiming for low 160's this time around and high 160's in Dec. I started with 149. It can be done.
I can't emphasis enough how important it is to finish cc before PT. What are you testing with these PT prior to finishing the cc?
I would like to be included as well!
Add me too please! Currently finishing up CC, and planning to sit for the December test! Will be PTing in a few weeks.
Preferred time: any time from after 8pm in the evenings (EST)
I'm in. I'm available in the evenings and weekends. Almost done with CC.
I'm also testing in December. I have been through the CC and am reviewing lessons to reinforce concepts. I am PT-ing once a week. Study group sounds helpful, count me in!
checking in! I would also be interested in a Study Group! : )
Taking September as a feeler test, but I will also register for December! I suggest we do PT's 50-55 and forward, about to take PT #49 right now.
I work full time, so like others have said, PT's or review sessions would work best on late nights and weekends
I'm open but also taking Sept. so will be inactive for now.
Taking sept. as in this Sat.
I was supposed to take September, but I didn't feel comfortable with my PT scores, so I am taking in December, I am definitely interested in doing a study group!
Heed this advice. Don't rush into PTing, you will only hurt yourself. Don't compare your progress to others (don't think you are behind/ahead because others are already PTing while you are in the CC, or vice versa) as it is extremely detrimental to your mental stamina and esteem.
@alyssamcc0593 I'll message you!
Interested as well!
Free anytime on weekends and evenings on weekdays~
I am with you! will take Sept one in this week and also registered for Dec.
I'm interested!
Count me in!! Will be sitting in for Dec
@airborne1 @sjiang666 @xsherylyn @FiestaNextDoor
See you tomorrow night.
You got it! Check your inbox.
taking December as well
@"side braid" Could you add me, too?
I'm most likely taking the Dec. test.
I am also in for December, Please count me in too. I am also pretty new to this online study etc.
Officially taking December (since I bombed today). Please add!
I'd like to be added as well!
Hey! I'm retaking in December and would love to be part of the study group!
Hi I’m also aiming for the Dec test and would like to be part of the study group!
I'm taking in December and aiming for the same score. 160 would be ideal, but my target school has a high acceptance rate anything from 155 up.