PT58.S2.P3 - law and tangible object theory

mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
edited September 2017 in Reading Comprehension 891 karma

One of the RC passages in Sept. 2009 was about copyright and tangible object theory (TOT). In general, the passage goes like this (working from memory here since it's not with me at the moment but it's been bothering me all day):

P1 - Intro of TOT and the VP of proponents - that copyright and other IP rights apply to tangible objects
P2 - extension of P1, with the intro of retained rights concept
P3 - says that TOT has chief advantage of justifying IP rights "without recourse to the popular but problematic assumption that ideas can be copyrighted" or something like that.

I was very confused by that statement in P3. It reads to me like TOT (which holds that tangible objects can be protected) is justifying IP rights while also NOT being COUNTER to the idea that intangible objects (like ideas) cannot be copyrighted (or protected under IP Law).

Am I going crazy? If someone is familiar with this passage, can you please help me out?


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