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For Those About to Test

Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
in General 28016 karma

You know what's going to be special about the test tomorrow?

A few years from now, it will just be another PT that no one thinks anything of. PT 82. It'll be a recent PT for a very short while, then it'll be a recent-ish one. Then it'll be one that people take to warm up to the recent ones. Eventually, people will dissect it for drills. There's nothing about it that will stand out to future generations of LSAT students. It'll be like PT 51 is to us now. People really freaked out about PT 51 back in the day. Seems kind of silly now doesn't it? I mean, it's PT 51, who cares, nothing special. There was probably a passage or a game that was kinda hard. Okay, so what? It was a particularly good test for some of us, a particularly bad one for others, and about average for most of us.

PT 82 will be similarly mundane. How can I make such a prediction? The truth is, they're all mundane. I've seen every last one of them, and not a single one was special. We know exactly what will be on PT 82, we know the difficulty will range from fairly easy to insanely difficult, and we know exactly how to handle all of it. So relax knowing that nothing is going to be on 82 that hasn't been on every test prior. Any differences will be entirely superficial.

Good luck everyone, and see y'all after!


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