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Where do you want to go to law school and why?

The 180 Bro_OVOThe 180 Bro_OVO Alum Inactive ⭐

And don't say "because of it's ranking". I'm just curious based on your goals why you're choosing a particular school(s).



  • Trust But VerifyTrust But Verify Alum Member
    edited September 2017 432 karma

    NY/NJ and possibly DC. I'm answering broadly on purpose because a couple of friends that went to Law school say that the school they attended wasn't really their "dream school. They had their heart set on a school and then another school caught their eye.

    The second part of your question, I want to have a private practice in NY and what I'm going to do is client specific. Only plan on "working" for a law firm for experience (5 years the max). I'm more of a entrepreneur than the corporate type (Sidebar: I recommend folks take a Myers-Briggs personality test wether for law school, law firms or any other activity that deals with people). But again, I'm open to change.

    Good Question/Thread

  • conrad.pconrad.p Member
    48 karma

    penn. I'm a prestige whore with a shitty gpa

  • zaroberts1991zaroberts1991 Member
    101 karma

    Penn, Columbia, Harvard are my big three honestly. I grew up in Philly and Penn's name always held so much respect from everyone in the area. For someone like myself who was at one point a high school drop-out to attend there would just be very symbolic for how far I've come. Columbia because I currently live in NY, so I wouldn't have to move or leave all my friends and because its Columbia and offers tremendous opportunities and an easy path into Big Law. And I don't even think I have to explain why I want to go to Harvard ha.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    HYS or one of Columbia NYU Cornell w/ a good scholarship. Essentially big law or bust has lead me to only consider schools where I know I'll have an amazing shot.

  • WhatAmIEvenWhatAmIEven Alum Member
    edited September 2017 102 karma

    Choice #1 is UCLA or USC, mostly because of their location. I don't like LA but my husband is in the entertainment industry (film & video games music composition) and would be the best place for his career development. There are also some good school and would likely put in a good position when I get out of school.

    Low reaching school would be University of Washington. Low reaching because I am almost 100% sure I can get in. Chose the school because I like Seattle and has a good-sized video game community.

    High reaching school would be NYU. I am also a Canadian and am interested in returning to Vancouver some day. NYU as a joint Canadian-US J.D. that I would love to be able to get in. NY's video game and film community isn't bad either.

  • Sandy100Sandy100 Member
    17 karma

    A good one in NY preferably Columbia so that I can get good jobs in the future. I am tired of working at the small law firms where the benefits are almost extinct.

  • liza.bennettliza.bennett Alum Member
    108 karma

    Texas A&M School of Law. I didn't get to go there for undergrad, I wish it had worked out that way but it didn't. I want to be an Aggie, I want the network, I want core values and I want to be the best with the best. I want to practice in Texas, and I know there is great schools for my kid in Fort worth. I know A&M will be a big sacrifice, but it will be worth it. Its not that I dont want to go to a big name school, I do (kinda), but I will not sacrifice my kid's education to get mine. And Texas has great schools.

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    756 karma

    I think my top choice right now is Michigan. I have a few friends that live nearby. I can potentially drive to family for holidays. I want to go into IP Law and they have an interesting curriculum / are a great engineering school, so I feel like that may help with regards to software patents etc (that parts a bit of a stretch, but still). Ann Arbor is cool but not a giant city which I'd like to avoid (sorry Harvard/NYU/Columbia/Penn etc). I miss cold weather / snow.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma

    Penn really emphasizes collaborative approaches to complex problems which is what really caught my attention. And it's not just some marketing thing they like to push on their website. They let me apply to a masters program using my LSAT score instead of GRE so that I could pursue a dual degree. They have a lot of cross discipline classes like where MD, JD, and MPP students will be in the same class on healthcare policy. Things like that. I don't feel like a legal background alone is enough to effectively talk about something as complex as that, so anyone wanting to deal with issues that encompass areas beyond law had better learn to collaborate. Penn also has things like The Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice where the faculty collaborates in their professional work.

  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    1084 karma

    @"Cant Get Right"
    Your post caught my eye and just had a quick question for you. I was looking at dual degrees for law school as well but had been informed by a few people that the "dual" degrees with law are mostly a sham created by universities in order to attract more students. That is, that if you do a law degree and masters in another subject you don't come out really being an expert in either. Particularly because law school is so intensive and dividing your time between two degrees tends to lead to a sub-par legal education.

    Curious if you have a different view on this

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27896 karma

    Hey @"vanessa fisher" , that very well may depend on the school. The way it works at Penn at least, and most other schools I looked at is you do the entire 3 years of the JD, plus an extra year at the masters which takes law school classes as your electives. And you don't even do both at once. Basically, you get your JD in isolation and spend a year in residency at the school in which you're earning the masters. So I think an argument could be made that the masters may not be as thorough since your optional classes are all law classes, but I think the stronger view is that it's just specifically focused. As far as the JD goes, you're doing exactly the same stuff as everyone else. The last guy that did my dual degree at Penn ended up clerking for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, so I'm confident that it is in no way a detriment to the strength of the JD or in ones ability to rise to the top within the law school itself.

  • Rigid DesignatorRigid Designator Alum Member
    1091 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    HYS or one of Columbia NYU Cornell w/ a good scholarship. Essentially big law or bust has lead me to only consider schools where I know I'll have an amazing shot.

    Have you considered Chicago? Their big law numbers are amazing, IIRC.

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    I would love to end up at NYU or Columbia or Georgetown, as they all have solid international opportunities, though pretty much all top schools do. However I am definitely open to other options, my brother went to law school at Michigan and loved the culture there. I visited him a couple of times and could easily see the appeal.

    So while I have high hopes for a great school with scholarship money, I don't have my heart absolutely set on any one school.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Rigid Designator" said:

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    HYS or one of Columbia NYU Cornell w/ a good scholarship. Essentially big law or bust has lead me to only consider schools where I know I'll have an amazing shot.

    Have you considered Chicago? Their big law numbers are amazing, IIRC.

    Chi BL #'s are certainly impressive. I'm just not interested in leaving NY unless it's for a T3 school though. I also am just not a fan of Chicago, lol.

  • vanessa fishervanessa fisher Alum Member
    1084 karma

    @"Cant Get Right" Good to know, thanks

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I'm looking in a few different regions and still narrowing down what I would want. I'm interested in:

    USC and UCLA - I used to live in LA and have some friends still there. It seems like UCLA has strong public interest and also one of the best for entertainment, which is an odd pairing but are both areas I am interested in, hah. I work in entertainment now but am interested in switching to PI/government for the future. USC (judging by LSN) seems more generous than the state schools w/$$ and is obv a great school also, so that's on the table. Considering also UC Davis.
    U of Washington - I currently live in Seattle, and it would be kinda nice to not have to move! Also a great school in general, again strong PI.
    Northwestern and Illinois - I love Chicago and there's a big part of me that would be so stoked to move and plant myself there. Northwestern sounds like they are particularly friendly to non-traditional (which I am) and prefer people with work experience. So, I feel like that is my top target in T-14. Illinois may not be prestigious per se, but seems like a strong regional school and could be in my price range.
    GWU and Georgetown - I'm very interested in working in government, so DC is an obvious choice.

    If I scored a 180 and the law school world is my oyster, I think NYU would be a dream school. I'm strongly interested in PI and government, and their numbers for that are great. But, with wanting to focus more in the PI realm, basically scholarship money is going to be the biggest factor wherever I land.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Okay...I've seen this a few times and haven't answered because I don't want to get made fun of haha but I want to say so...

    My dream school is Columbia because that is the school Alexander Hamilton went to. It actually gives me chills thinking about going to the same school that one of the most influential men in American history went to. I wish I could amount to being half the man that he was. Unfortunately I do not have the track record to get into Columbia. If we are talking being realistic I'd say UCLA.

  • kmzz7036kmzz7036 Live Member
    26 karma

    @zaroberts1991 said:
    Penn, Columbia, Harvard are my big three honestly. I grew up in Philly and Penn's name always held so much respect from everyone in the area. For someone like myself who was at one point a high school drop-out to attend there would just be very symbolic for how far I've come. Columbia because I currently live in NY, so I wouldn't have to move or leave all my friends and because its Columbia and offers tremendous opportunities and an easy path into Big Law. And I don't even think I have to explain why I want to go to Harvard ha.

    I was also a high school dropout at one point as well!! I was the first person in my family to go to college. Glad to know I'm not alone in my untraditional background. :)

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    edited September 2017 2983 karma

    @kotyneelis said:

    @zaroberts1991 said:
    Penn, Columbia, Harvard are my big three honestly. I grew up in Philly and Penn's name always held so much respect from everyone in the area. For someone like myself who was at one point a high school drop-out to attend there would just be very symbolic for how far I've come. Columbia because I currently live in NY, so I wouldn't have to move or leave all my friends and because its Columbia and offers tremendous opportunities and an easy path into Big Law. And I don't even think I have to explain why I want to go to Harvard ha.

    I was also a high school dropout at one point as well!! I was the first person in my family to go to college. Glad to know I'm not alone in my untraditional background. :)

    REPRESENT! I'm also a first gen college student/graduate.

    P.S. There are some good scholarships out there for the first gen folks.

  • kmzz7036kmzz7036 Live Member
    edited September 2017 26 karma

    My dream school is Northwestern. This might sound weird but as soon as I visited their website and read about how they try to make law school a collaborative experience for students vs competitive and their preference for applicants with work experience, I just had a ~feeling about them. Then I got to visit the campus in person and everyone I met was so warm and welcoming. It was a totally different experience than when I visited UT-Austin's law school. Granted, I know the people I met at UT-Austin could have been having an off day (and I'm still applying there b/c I love Austin) but I just love everything about Northwestern's program - not to mention their campus is beautiful.

    I think University of Michigan is another favorite. I grew up in Michigan and it would be cool to go back and get accepted to a school I always felt was out of reach for me as a poor person growing up on a farm only 45 minutes away from Ann Arbor.

    And Harvard, because hello?? It's Harvard and again, same reason as I listed above - would be incredible to attend considering where I came from/my background.

  • spitzy11spitzy11 Alum Member
    772 karma

    Definitely Michigan because that's where my significant other is right now. Other than that, UCLA/USC since I'm born and raised in so cal :)

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @Freddy_D said:

    @kotyneelis said:

    @zaroberts1991 said:
    Penn, Columbia, Harvard are my big three honestly. I grew up in Philly and Penn's name always held so much respect from everyone in the area. For someone like myself who was at one point a high school drop-out to attend there would just be very symbolic for how far I've come. Columbia because I currently live in NY, so I wouldn't have to move or leave all my friends and because its Columbia and offers tremendous opportunities and an easy path into Big Law. And I don't even think I have to explain why I want to go to Harvard ha.

    I was also a high school dropout at one point as well!! I was the first person in my family to go to college. Glad to know I'm not alone in my untraditional background. :)

    REPRESENT! I'm also a first gen college student/graduate.

    P.S. There are some good scholarships out there for the first gen folks.

    First gen college grad, checking in here as well! Woo! Do you have any specific resources for first gen scholarships?

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @"Leah M B"

    Well, I know that Berkeley offers a full ride scholarship to first gen graduates

    Also, NYU offers a similar scholarship

    I will update you if I find more :smile:

  • cbyrns21cbyrns21 Free Trial Member
    160 karma

    Like many others here, I am a non-traditional applicant. The schools I'm aiming for are privy to soft factors and taking the holistic approach. I had the privilege of meeting Stanford's Dean of Admissions and got to pick her brain, which was very valuable. Obviously, Stanford is my top choice (always has been since I was in High School). They are huge on soft factors. I'm well aware I'm shooting far for this but hey one can dream :smile:
    I'm also applying to UC Davis, Berkeley, University of Washington, UC Hastings, and McGeorge. Good luck to everyone!

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    @Freddy_D I've been interested in the AnBryce scholarship from NYU as well..problem is the January 1st deadline. I'll still be waiting on my December LSAT score, so I assume it's not possible to apply? I'll have a September LSAT score on file, but it's not the one I plan on really wowing any schools with....September test was not so hot, though maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised in a couple weeks haha .

  • xtinextinextinextine Member
    edited September 2017 861 karma

    @LindsMitch said:
    @Freddy_D I've been interested in the AnBryce scholarship from NYU as well..problem is the January 1st deadline. I'll still be waiting on my December LSAT score, so I assume it's not possible to apply? I'll have a September LSAT score on file, but it's not the one I plan on really wowing any schools with....September test was not so hot, though maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised in a couple weeks haha .

    Is it unlikely that December LSAT scores will released before Dec. 31st? I also took in September but I'm pretty sure I bombed, so I'm retaking.

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    @xtinextine Yes I figured that...luckily this is really the only scholarship program I'm interested in that has a deadline like this...I guess if my September score isn't too terrible I can apply by the deadline and then ask for them to evaluate my app when my new score is out.

  • tcookPHLtcookPHL Alum Member
    300 karma

    Excuse my stream of conscienescous writing I'm not awake yet. I have not decided what route I want to take yet, whether it be private or public, but I'm aiming for schools that have a good reputation in both areas. I also am interested in schools that have a trial advocacy programs.

    D.C. :

       GWU: the number of clinics available for students, the concentrations available to students, placement is great in both the PI/Government and BL sectors, they take a holistic approach to applications, diverse setting, non-competitive environment 

    Miami- UMIAMI: Spanish speaker so being in a predominately Spanish speaking environment would be my dream, great alumni network in Miami, my family is from the area, the school has a good PI interest program as well as good placement in the private sector as well, a lot of the law firms also do work internationally in Latin America, they have the Innocence Project clinic which is something I'm very passionate about

    NY - well Big Law.... NYU and Columbia would be what I aimed for in NYC. However, I'm also looking at Cardozo. The Innocene Project was founded at Cardozo (see above), they also have a great program, take a holistic approach to apps, have an intensive trial advocacy program..

    Chicago- Northwestern and Loyola: Northwestern is a T-14 but like someone said previously they do not market themselves as a competitive school, they prefer work experience...
    Loyola, although a much lower tiered school has a great reputation most of their students go into the public sector but I like that the option to be placed into BL is also available. They have a trial advocacy program

    Philly- I live in Philly and would love to stay. Temple is my number one in the region. I'm heavily involved with Temple (I went there for undergrad) and would love to continue my education there. Temple has a trial advocacy program and place well in the firms in the Philly region. Also applying to all of the other schools in Philadelphia region (drexel, penn, villanova, rutgers -camden). I have a pretty great network here already in the legal sector.

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:

    @Freddy_D said:

    @kotyneelis said:

    @zaroberts1991 said:
    Penn, Columbia, Harvard are my big three honestly. I grew up in Philly and Penn's name always held so much respect from everyone in the area. For someone like myself who was at one point a high school drop-out to attend there would just be very symbolic for how far I've come. Columbia because I currently live in NY, so I wouldn't have to move or leave all my friends and because its Columbia and offers tremendous opportunities and an easy path into Big Law. And I don't even think I have to explain why I want to go to Harvard ha.

    I was also a high school dropout at one point as well!! I was the first person in my family to go to college. Glad to know I'm not alone in my untraditional background. :)

    REPRESENT! I'm also a first gen college student/graduate.

    P.S. There are some good scholarships out there for the first gen folks.

    First gen college grad, checking in here as well! Woo! Do you have any specific resources for first gen scholarships?

    First gen fam whadup! ❤️

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited September 2017 11542 karma

    Georgetown for me because Tiff is there! Joking aside, I'm trying to take this one step at a time and not get too ahead of myself. Let you know when I arrive! :)

  • xtinextinextinextine Member
    861 karma

    @LindsMitch said:
    @xtinextine Yes I figured that...luckily this is really the only scholarship program I'm interested in that has a deadline like this...I guess if my September score isn't too terrible I can apply by the deadline and then ask for them to evaluate my app when my new score is out.

    Oh sorry, I was asking if it's 100% certain that Dec scores won't be out before the 31st?

    Regardless, I didn't know you could do that! I might end up doing that then. I'm also a first generation college student and I wasn't aware of scholarships for it.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @xtinextine said:

    @LindsMitch said:
    @xtinextine Yes I figured that...luckily this is really the only scholarship program I'm interested in that has a deadline like this...I guess if my September score isn't too terrible I can apply by the deadline and then ask for them to evaluate my app when my new score is out.

    Oh sorry, I was asking if it's 100% certain that Dec scores won't be out before the 31st?

    Regardless, I didn't know you could do that! I might end up doing that then. I'm also a first generation college student and I wasn't aware of scholarships for it.

    I believe December LSAT scores will come out around the first week or 2 of January. I do know that you can submit applications prior to having an LSAT score and that is generally recommended if taking the December LSAT. Admissions will start reviewing the applications earlier and then the LSAT score will be automatically added once it is final. However, I really don't know if schools will accept that for scholarship deadlines. I'm guessing it will be up to the school, and maybe wouldn't hurt to ask? I'm in the same boat but haven't figured that part out yet.

  • xtinextinextinextine Member
    861 karma

    @"Leah M B" Thanks for clarifying that!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    edited September 2017 4196 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    Okay...I've seen this a few times and haven't answered because I don't want to get made fun of haha but I want to say so...

    My dream school is Columbia because that is the school Alexander Hamilton went to. It actually gives me chills thinking about going to the same school that one of the most influential men in American history went to. I wish I could amount to being half the man that he was. Unfortunately I do not have the track record to get into Columbia. If we are talking being realistic I'd say UCLA.

    but if you got into Columbia we could get insanely drunk together

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    Okay...I've seen this a few times and haven't answered because I don't want to get made fun of haha but I want to say so...

    My dream school is Columbia because that is the school Alexander Hamilton went to. It actually gives me chills thinking about going to the same school that one of the most influential men in American history went to. I wish I could amount to being half the man that he was. Unfortunately I do not have the track record to get into Columbia. If we are talking being realistic I'd say UCLA.

    but if you got into Columbia we could get insanely drunk together


    Here is a visual representation of me trying to get into Columbia....

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    Okay...I've seen this a few times and haven't answered because I don't want to get made fun of haha but I want to say so...

    My dream school is Columbia because that is the school Alexander Hamilton went to. It actually gives me chills thinking about going to the same school that one of the most influential men in American history went to. I wish I could amount to being half the man that he was. Unfortunately I do not have the track record to get into Columbia. If we are talking being realistic I'd say UCLA.

    but if you got into Columbia we could get insanely drunk together


    Here is a visual representation of me trying to get into Columbia....

    just wait on this 181 you are about to get when scores come out


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    Okay...I've seen this a few times and haven't answered because I don't want to get made fun of haha but I want to say so...

    My dream school is Columbia because that is the school Alexander Hamilton went to. It actually gives me chills thinking about going to the same school that one of the most influential men in American history went to. I wish I could amount to being half the man that he was. Unfortunately I do not have the track record to get into Columbia. If we are talking being realistic I'd say UCLA.

    but if you got into Columbia we could get insanely drunk together


    Here is a visual representation of me trying to get into Columbia....

    just wait on this 181 you are about to get when scores come out


    You miss typed 151* let me fix that for you!

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:


    You miss typed 151* let me fix that for you!

    151.. 181.. same crap let's be honest you're going to Columbia either way

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:


    You miss typed 151* let me fix that for you!

    151.. 181.. same crap let's be honest you're going to Columbia either way

    Sir...SIR...put down the alcohol, you are getting delusional....

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @TheMikey said:

    @LSATcantwin said:


    You miss typed 151* let me fix that for you!

    151.. 181.. same crap let's be honest you're going to Columbia either way

    Sir...SIR...put down the alcohol, you are getting delusional....


    if someone with a 153 can get into Yal(ol)e, you can get into Columbia with a 121

    screw the system. fight the power.

  • Bevs ScooterMinionBevs ScooterMinion Alum Member
    1018 karma

    @Freddy_D , @Sprinkles @zaroberts1991

    REPRESENT! I'm also a first gen college student/graduate.

    P.S. There are some good scholarships out there for the first gen folks.

    First Gen Family! WOOT! <3

    Do tell, @Freddy_D!

    Looks like I'll have some PENN buds! YAY!

  • tcookPHLtcookPHL Alum Member
    300 karma

    @TheMikey ...... 153 into yale?!!! who/what/when/where?

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @Freddy_D said:
    @"Leah M B"

    Well, I know that Berkeley offers a full ride scholarship to first gen graduates

    Also, NYU offers a similar scholarship

    I will update you if I find more :smile:

    Circling back to this - thanks for the tip! I'm going to look closer at the individual schools to see what's out there. I did find UCLA's Law Achievement Fellowship. Not specifically for first gen, but anyone who has overcome "significant obstacles" (and frequently are first gen):

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Since I am interested in Labor Law, I'd like to go a school with a strong concentration in that field. I have heard that Cornell, Virginia, NYU and Chicago have strong programs. I'm also interested in Harvard, Yale and Stanford because ... le duh.

    @mzthaidumpling @"vanessa fisher" @btownsquee I know you guys are all interested in labor as well from my thread a few weeks ago. Do you guys of know of any other strong schools for this field?

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    @tcookPHL said:
    @TheMikey ...... 153 into yale?!!! who/what/when/where?

    Yale reports the lowest LSAT score they let in for that cycle. It was 2 cycle ago where someone got in with a 153.

    class of 2020 stats shows that this past cycle someone got in with a 156!

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:

    @Freddy_D said:
    @"Leah M B"

    Well, I know that Berkeley offers a full ride scholarship to first gen graduates

    Also, NYU offers a similar scholarship

    I will update you if I find more :smile:

    Circling back to this - thanks for the tip! I'm going to look closer at the individual schools to see what's out there. I did find UCLA's Law Achievement Fellowship. Not specifically for first gen, but anyone who has overcome "significant obstacles" (and frequently are first gen):

    Nice find!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @cbyrns21 said:
    Like many others here, I am a non-traditional applicant. The schools I'm aiming for are privy to soft factors and taking the holistic approach. I had the privilege of meeting Stanford's Dean of Admissions and got to pick her brain, which was very valuable. Obviously, Stanford is my top choice (always has been since I was in High School). They are huge on soft factors. I'm well aware I'm shooting far for this but hey one can dream :smile:
    I'm also applying to UC Davis, Berkeley, University of Washington, UC Hastings, and McGeorge. Good luck to everyone!

    Another west coast-er! Yeah! Really nice to hear that about Stanford. They'll definitely be way too far of a reach for me though, haha! Good luck to you! :smiley:

  • michael_theodoremichael_theodore Alum Member
    253 karma

    Great question. There are several saw schools that I am interested in. Upenn would be one of my top choices because of their interdisciplinary approach to law. In addition Penn UPenn has excellent placement in several markets that I am interested in; Philadelphia, New York, and D.C.. Another law school that I am interested in is UC Berkeley. The location of Berkeley is phenomenal and the placement in California is impressive. UCLA has an excellent entertainment law program and I would love to work in the entertainment industry. Other law schools on my list includes Illinois (Chicago market) , Northwestern (Fully funded JD/PhD program), Duke, USC, and NYU.

  • CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
    295 karma

    I never tell anyone where I want to go. I don't want to jinx it! haha :wink:

  • LindseyDCLindseyDC Core Member
    190 karma

    I'm looking at schools that offer the dual American/Canadian JD. So far it's looking to be Colorado Boulder of American in DC.

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