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For when you know you need a break but just...can't...let...go.
Your favorite LSAT mantras and mnemonics? (for long commutes to and from work) (Do not say "ViewSTAMP". I am so done with PowerScore)
Law and Order?
Movies. I'm on a list and some look better than others. Next on my list is My Cousin Vinny.
Any app recommendations for logic practice or word puzzles? (to boost your confidence in the morning, over breakfast...or replace compulsive checking of the news)
Songs? (I fought the Law - The Clash, The Law of the Land - The Temptations)
I think just learning to love to read RC passages and do games has done me a lot of good. I literally try to do games for fun now. Admittedly, it was not the most fun thing to do at first. Though, after some time, it became something I actually enjoy now. I love learning new things and RC passages seem to quench that thirst. Games are also just fun puzzles when you think about it.
I don't think anything else is as helpful as actually just working on parts of the actual test.
Also, LOL. I, too, am done with Powerscore's ViewSTAMP. 7Sage's Memory Method and Low-High Resolution summary technique will do you much more good.
ViewSTAMP, lol. I'd forgotten about that. I don't have much law related activities for you, although My Cousin Vinny is outstanding. UChicago I think has a Vincent Gambini Society or something, lol.
I like to get away from all this when I get the chance. I suggest having a few bars where the bartenders know you, getting out into nature, doing something with your hands, and hanging out with old friends.
I started watching the West Wing randomly and laaaahv it ... if you're interested in Con Law it's a good respite from studying that will still keep you in the game while being entertained.
Cartoons may help. Polar opposite of what we're learning.
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc?

12 Angry Men - Henry Fonda - Classic movie, and one of my all time favorites. (black and white)
Another West Wing fan!
Yes!! I binged all 7 seasons last fall. Definitely my favorite TV show! I recommend checking out the West Wing Weekly podcast, as well. They do episode-by-episode discussions and usually invite guests involved with the show (cast/crew), lawyers, and policymakers.
saw waaa! definitely will
What's next?
Liar Liar with Jim Carrey.
Greatest legal film of all time. Not opinion, just facts.
FYI, I just did the signal.
I want to go to one of their live recordings so bad!
I'm surprised no one mentioned suits????
SUITS! Yes, hahaha! Love it.
Suits is good!! Though I haven't seen the newest season.
When I took the LSAT in September for the first time, I was like....yeah this isn't like Suits at all lol. You don't walk up to the front and hand in your test
I've never watched West Wing. I've watched House of Cards. That's saucy Anti-Law.
It is a magnificent work of art.
Jim Carrey is a national treasure. He's a weirdo nowadays, but back in the day, he was churning out hits on the reg.
Oh my gosh so weird. Did you see he's an artist now? The art is actually really good but it's still like... wut. ?
Anyone can make good art. The art market is just an aestheto-political value machine with limited space behind the reigns.
Jerry Seinfeld does a Riding in Cars With Comedians episode with Jim Carrey - it's nice. (btw he also does one with former president Barack Obama)
Yeah, that was crazy. I had no clue he was into art. Same thing with George W. Bush
OH serious recommendation! Sudoku is great for keeping the logical brain up while doing something not specifically LSAT-related. It's a really similar pattern of reasoning. I think it helps me a lot especially with sequencing games.
Thanks for the recommendations, folks!