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Any tips on not feeling overwhelmed?

EvetteCeeEvetteCee Alum Member
in General 224 karma

In between studying for the December LSAT and writing essays for law school apps, I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. I feel like I need to devote a lot of my time on both. Any tips on how to keep my calm and carry on?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited September 2017 23929 karma

    I think the first step is to gain some perspective. You do need to dedicate a lot of time to both and to do so you must be highly disciplined. Even if it can feel like too much at times, think of all the people before you who have done it. Remember, It is possible!

    Taking the LSAT and applying to law school is presumably something you want to be doing, so take the feelings of stress and being overwhelmed and make it into a catalyst to make yourself stronger and sharper.

    Some tips would be to set a schedule that you will stick to each day. Wake up at the same time and devote a certain amount of predetermined hours to LSAT prep and working on your applications. Make sure you have good sleep hygiene and are getting enough sleep each night. Of course, make sure to eat right and exercise. I cant't tell you what a different just taking care of yourself physically can make when it comes to feeling stressed out.

    You've come this far and you've got this. Besides, whenever I'm feeling stressed over apps or the LSAT, I just remember that this is the easy part ;)

    Good luck

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    edited September 2017 3679 karma

    Mindfulness Meditation:

    Sounds dorky but totally works. I do this for 5-10 minutes every morning before I start the day and it has tremendously reduces my anxiety and increased my positive outlook and confidence in dealing with the test. The goal is to spend time each day clearing your mind of the stress and angst and reminding yourself of positive, self affirming things about yourself (why youre awesome!) and the positive things you have in your life (why youre grateful). Again, sups corny but definitely works.

    I feel your pain good luck!

  • CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
    295 karma

    It's all a matter of finding out what calms you down. Whether its video games, cooking, watching tv etc. You should take some time out of every day to free yourself of the days troubles.

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