
sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member

Hi all,

I'm sure this is true for many people, but I am using what clinics are offered at different schools as one of the main ways to differentiate between them. Here's my question, just because a school offers a clinic you are interested in, does that mean you will be able to partake in it? How competitive is it to get a clinic spot? Does this differ by school, and if so, is that information available online?

Here's my subsequent question... Would it be better to go to a lesser ranked school in which my numbers are above the medians to increase my chances of getting into a clinic (assuming I do well), or would my chances be the same if I went to a 'reach' school, and then potentially didn't do as well? What do you all think?


  • cbyrns21cbyrns21 Free Trial Member
    160 karma

    These questions, at least the first one, is more suited for an AO. The second question is, IMO, try for both. Apply for the lesser ranked and the reach. Then if you get accepted to both or one or the other, the decision is easier. It's not the best time to make such a decision when you don't know if you're accepted yet.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Great question! I'm very interested in labor clinics and plan on asking this very question to every school next month when I attend a law school forum. I think @cbyrns21 is right try shooting a couple emails out to admissions folks, I'm sure they'll be able to let you know.

  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma

    Don't assume that by going to a less highly ranked school you will perform meaningfully better in law school. The LSAT has only limited predictive utility for law school graded which is rendered even more non-predictive if you studied disproportionately more than average or used a better system (for example 7sage).

  • sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member
    373 karma

    Hey thanks you guys. I wanted to ask here first, to see if anyone had any opinions but I think that talking to an admissions officer is my next step.

  • Mitchell-1Mitchell-1 Member
    756 karma

    I've asked at least one T14 school this and they said they won't guarantee you can take the clinic you want WHEN you want, but it's rare they can't find a way to get you in sometime.

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