Exposing seekingperfection

ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
in General 179 karma

I recently made a post suggesting that 7sage update a certain statistical tool and that it would be useful for law applicants on this site. Afterwards I was blatantly and maliciously attacked with personal insults, and unfounded baseless assertions by a certain user @seekingperfection.

To keep a long story short, he pissed me off. So now I feel its my duty to expose this dude for repeatedly lying on this forum.

His claims:

  1. He scored a 172 on his first LSAT after three weeks of studying.
  2. He has 3 published papers.
  3. He claimed proficiency in statistics. (This was already addressed in my original post about the statistical tool, quite thoroughly I might add)

My prediction: He has no degree, has never held a professional job, lied about his published papers, lied about his lsat score.

His responses will be one or more of the following:
1. Ignore this post
2. Report this post
3. MOST LIKELY- Claim that he doesn’t need to “prove” anything and posts nothing but more insults. (aka is a LIAR like I suspect)

So now I’m calling him out @seekingperfection – post a screenshot of your LSAT score, post links to your published works. You talk a lot. PROVE IT.

DISCLAIMER: If anyone is offended by this post, please disregard it. And please don’t report this, we are all adults here, no one needs parents on here telling everyone to “be nice” or goto bed by 8:00pm. This is all in good fun. But for those of you that have had contact with this user, I think this should be interesting.


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    Dear @_CavsFan,

    I will not post links to published works because they would expose my identity to you and you seem to be a somewhat obsessive individual as evidenced by the fact that you made this post and dragged my LSAT score into a discussion of a statistical regressions inadequacies because I offended you by suggesting you were incorrect about something.

    I am attaching screenshots of my LSAT score with my name redacted for the same reason I won't post links to published papers. Hopefully, this is enough to soothe your anxieties.

    I'm not actually in the practice of prolifically posting online so I don't know how to post a picture on a forum. This link to imgur, the first source I looked up capable of letting me, will have to work to soothe your paranoid anxieties.

    If you want to tell me how, I'd be glad to post them in another format.

    However, while you are at it you might want to reconsider your theory of the way the world works. Because right now your version of reality features me coming onto 7sage for help with logic games with a fictionalized back story about being unsatisfied with my LSAT score because I didn't finish the games section, but nonetheless pretending that my score was different than it was, also concocting a fictional academic history, and a fictional decision to choose law over economics all for the purpose of my grand scheme to make your endorsement of a law school prediction regressor look bad.

    Have a nice life. Good luck with the LSAT. Take a couple of stats or econometrics classes sometime since it seems to be your passion. And I highly recommend the free meditation videos available through 7sage. Just a couple minutes a day might help put the world in perspective. It certainly helped calm me as I have tried to improve on logic games.

    Seeking Perfection

  • Tom_TangoTom_Tango Alum Member
    902 karma


  • ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
    edited October 2017 179 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:
    Dear @_CavsFan,

    I will not post links to published works because they would expose my identity to you and you seem to be a somewhat obsessive individual as evidenced by the fact that you made this post and dragged my LSAT score into a discussion of a statistical regressions inadequacies because I offended you by suggesting you were incorrect about something.

    I am attaching screenshots of my LSAT score with my name redacted for the same reason I won't post links to published papers. Hopefully, this is enough to soothe your anxieties.

    I'm not actually in the practice of prolifically posting online so I don't know how to post a picture on a forum. This link to imgur, the first source I looked up capable of letting me, will have to work to soothe your paranoid anxieties.

    If you want to tell me how, I'd be glad to post them in another format.

    However, while you are at it you might want to reconsider your theory of the way the world works. Because right now your version of reality features me coming onto 7sage for help with logic games with a fictionalized back story about being unsatisfied with my LSAT score because I didn't finish the games section, but nonetheless pretending that my score was different than it was, also concocting a fictional academic history, and a fictional decision to choose law over economics all for the purpose of my grand scheme to make your endorsement of a law school prediction regressor look bad.

    Have a nice life. Good luck with the LSAT. Take a couple of stats or econometrics classes sometime since it seems to be your passion. And I highly recommend the free meditation videos available through 7sage. Just a couple minutes a day might help put the world in perspective. It certainly helped calm me as I have tried to improve on logic games.

    Seeking Perfection

    DUDE YOU ARE INSANE. At what point did I concoct your story? You posted these lies online yourself, I said you lied about your score and your papers and you don't have a degree and never heard a job. At this point you refuted 0 of those things. Keep talking, I want to see where your limit of embarrassment lies.

    And stop liking your own commnets it's pathetic.

    And I literally proved everything you delusion brain came up with wrong, how about instead of meditation videos, you take a second to look into the page on that tool that I suggested in the beginning instead of constantly writing useless novels on the subject. EXPOSED

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    I refuted the part about my LSAT score. Click the link where it says imgur. I can't refute the part about my publications without you stalking me. The allegation that I don't know anything about statistics is a hard thing to disprove to you given your lack of understanding of statistics.

  • ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
    edited October 2017 179 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection"


    EXPOSED YOU LOSER, KEEP RUNNING THAT MOUTH OF YOURS. No one will ever obsess over your corny delusional self, I just wanted to expose and embarrass you off this forum. Hard to do with someone who is quite clearly insane like yourself.

    1. Get an education
    2. Stop Lying
    3. Get a job
    4. get a life
  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    Also just click the "imgur" button on the link and you can see his 172...

  • ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
    179 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" Cool bro, I stand corrected on your score, you proved you weren't lying about one thing. You could easily redact your name on your works to prove those? Seems like you talk a lot about stats without back anything up, and I refuted every point you made which you failed to acknowledge at all. The data, the methods, the accuracy, everything.

    Let's just get this story straight though, deliberately insulting people's intelligence and education, and demenaning valuable work you couldn't hope to achieve is what led to this. Not some personal vendetta. Stop trying to attribute claims to me, concocting your story or diliberatly misrepresenting you. Get real.

  • ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
    179 karma

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

    Cool man, how about you read that little thesis he posted and tell me you don't consider (15 times) to be very insulting?

  • theLSATgrind2017theLSATgrind2017 Alum Member
    edited October 2017 440 karma

    @_CavsFan said:

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

    Cool man, how about you read that little thesis he posted and tell me you don't consider (15 times) to be very insulting?

    You're both being ridiculously combative.

  • ChiTownGuyChiTownGuy Alum Member
    179 karma

    @theLSATgrind2017 said:

    @_CavsFan said:

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

    Cool man, how about you read that little thesis he posted and tell me you don't consider (15 times) to be very insulting?

    You're both being ridiculously combative.

    What can I say, baseless personal attacks are not something I tolerate in any way shape or form.

  • theLSATgrind2017theLSATgrind2017 Alum Member
    440 karma

    @_CavsFan said:

    @theLSATgrind2017 said:

    @_CavsFan said:

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

    Cool man, how about you read that little thesis he posted and tell me you don't consider (15 times) to be very insulting?

    You're both being ridiculously combative.

    What can I say, baseless personal attacks are not something I tolerate in any way shape or form.

    You made a new post just to attack some guy on the internet.

  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma

    tf is going on hahahahaha

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    @"Paul Caint" said:
    Eh @_CavsFan I think you're overreacting...

    To all you weary readers, read this post and find out for yourself if you think @"Seeking Perfection" was being rude: https://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/13046/law-school-predictor

    ( @"Seeking Perfection" I don't think you were...)

    It is possible that I was slightly rude which may have helped to trigger CavsFan's explosion. I believe that I at least tried to remain within the traditional norms of civic discourse. @CavsFan has obviously not.

    @_CavsFan If I redacted my name and posted my published works you could look up the works and get my name. I'm not saying this out of hubris. It's not that they are particularly influential. It's just that search engines have made the internet pretty easy to use. Further, I don't have a huge vested interest in proving additional things to you.

    As to deliberately insulting your education, that wasn't my main objective. My point was that you can't ignore realities about the use of regressions and then claim that it is okay because you went to a top twenty business school. That's called an appeal to authority and it is a logical fallacy. Additionally, Excel does not become more effective at dealing with extremely large data sets because you and many other businesses use it for small data sets or misuse it for large ones.

    I would think that by now you would admit that you made up out of thin air the notion that I had lied about my LSAT score for no reason other than to insult me. Maybe that ought to cause you to reevaluate the other claim (that I lied about my publication history) which you made up to slander me.

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    This is honestly so bizarre...

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    edited October 2017 2983 karma

    What's goin on in here :astonished:

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma


  • alexwithawallalexwithawall Member
    4 karma

    @_CavsFan said:

    What can I say, baseless personal attacks are not something I tolerate in any way shape or form.

    Right there's your problem buddy.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @_CavsFan said:
    @"Seeking Perfection"


    EXPOSED YOU LOSER, KEEP RUNNING THAT MOUTH OF YOURS. No one will ever obsess over your corny delusional self, I just wanted to expose and embarrass you off this forum. Hard to do with someone who is quite clearly insane like yourself.

    1. Get an education
    2. Stop Lying
    3. Get a job
    4. get a life

    Ok @_CavsFan, this needs to stop. Please read forum rules.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27898 karma

    Ok, this is entirely inappropriate, obviously. Discussion closed.

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    edited October 2017 12637 karma

    I don't even need to explain why this guy is banned...

    Why does everyone act up while I'm away recovering from my operation? :(

This discussion has been closed.