this is a good sign. 1st you get the $100, then you get the 180
If my ability to post on forums normally paid this well, there would be no need to be a lawyer. Sadly I think the "all talk, no show" adage fits really well for me...about 2 more weeks until @TheMikey gets a 180 and I get my 160 lol
this is a good sign. 1st you get the $100, then you get the 180
If my ability to post on forums normally paid this well, there would be no need to be a lawyer. Sadly I think the "all talk, no show" adage fits really well for me...about 2 more weeks until @TheMikey gets a 180 and I get my 160 lol
if I get a 180 I will get black out drunk and have a heart attack, thus never even using that 180 for application purposes. so maybe it's best if I don't get one haha
Nice! Congrats everyone. Thanks for helping make 7Sage such a wonderful and supportive place. I don't know of anywhere else quite like it on the internet.
@LSATcantwin said:
You guys are fueling my video game addiction....thanks for that!
did you get SP: the fractured but whole? great game btw haha. what about cod ww2?
Recently beat Mario + Rabbids. Working on Mario: Odyssey and pre-ordered Skyrim for the Switch. The next games on my list are: SP: The Fractured but Whole, COD, Destiny 2, and Battle Front.
I just don't have time to get them all worked in though. Between full-time work, LSAT and law school apps I am overwhelmed with work. I NEED a freaking higher LSAT for my goal school.
@LSATcantwin said:
You guys are fueling my video game addiction....thanks for that!
did you get SP: the fractured but whole? great game btw haha. what about cod ww2?
Recently beat Mario + Rabbids. Working on Mario: Odyssey and pre-ordered Skyrim for the Switch. The next games on my list are: SP: The Fractured but Whole, COD, Destiny 2, and Battle Front.
I just don't have time to get them all worked in though. Between full-time work, LSAT and law school apps I am overwhelmed with work. I NEED a freaking higher LSAT for my goal school.
I have all of those except battle front. destiny 2 was really fun for a while but it got old really quick because at the moment there isn't really anything you can do to progress towards an end game or something. cod is great though, I hated the whole jet pack thing in previous ones but I love this one. SP is great too!
To help celebrate the holidays, we are putting out the December 2017 awards a little early, and all award levels get an extra $25 for this month, including the "Getting close..." 7Sagers.
Also, we are making a lasting change to the award levels. I got a message from a 7Sager after last month's awards, asking for a change. I won't say who to protect their privacy. They said:
"Can I opt out from now on so others can get a chance? 7Sage is a great community and I’d like other people to be rewarded for participating!"
WHAT... who's THIS thoughtful?
I've got to say, I'm blown away. You all are the BEST!!!
That was such a kind suggestion from them that we decided to let more people get awards. But instead of opting them out, we're going to add one silver and two bronzes to the monthly Chatterbox awards.
Now, it's:
1 Gold
3 Silver (used to be 2)
6 Bronze (used to be 4)
Thanks so much!!
Also, congrats to everyone else!
What a great way to kick things off right before the LSAT

Thank you! And @Freddy_D thanks haha
I FINALLY made the board! so exciting! Thank you!
Congrats everyone !!!
Oh baby i can stop studying now!!!lol
Thanks dudes
@"Alex Divine" So what pencils are you buying with the gift card?
Blackwings here i come
Omg!!! I made the board! This is such a good time
Here are the September 2017 awards (on time this month!):
Gold - $100 giftcard
Silver - $50 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Paul Caint"
Getting close...
@"vanessa fisher"
Congratulations everyone!!
Thanks Alan! and Congrats all!
Omg! Can't believe I made it hahaha. Thanks everybody
Omg wow, thanks!
Thank you! That's crazy...
this is a good sign. 1st you get the $100, then you get the 180
If my ability to post on forums normally paid this well, there would be no need to be a lawyer. Sadly I think the "all talk, no show" adage fits really well for me...about 2 more weeks until @TheMikey gets a 180 and I get my 160 lol
if I get a 180 I will get black out drunk and have a heart attack, thus never even using that 180 for application purposes. so maybe it's best if I don't get one haha
Awesome! Congrats everybody
oh cool! I didn't even know this existed lol
Thanks 7Sage @"Alan Cheuk"
Congrats everyone
Nice! Congrats everyone. Thanks for helping make 7Sage such a wonderful and supportive place. I don't know of anywhere else quite like it on the internet.
Forever getting close lol! But i'm happy to be climbing the ladder! Congrats to everyone!!!
I'm dropping off the map this month! Keep up what you do! My comments have dropped significantly.
Same here! I go in to a mild panic on this website right now since it's Score Week!
I had a dream I got a 163
I then had to retake the test 2 more times to break 170...
I would probably cry of a joy if i got a 163. I'm terrified I completely batched my LG AND my RC sections. Plus LR.
Here are the spooky (but otherwise ordinary) October 2017 awards (on time this month!):
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Silver - $50 giftcard
Bronze - $25 giftcard
Getting close...
@"Paul Caint"
Thank you!!
Omg thanks!
You guys are fueling my video game addiction....thanks for that!
did you get SP: the fractured but whole? great game btw haha. what about cod ww2?
Recently beat Mario + Rabbids. Working on Mario: Odyssey and pre-ordered Skyrim for the Switch. The next games on my list are: SP: The Fractured but Whole, COD, Destiny 2, and Battle Front.
I just don't have time to get them all worked in though. Between full-time work, LSAT and law school apps I am overwhelmed with work. I NEED a freaking higher LSAT for my goal school.
I have all of those except battle front. destiny 2 was really fun for a while but it got old really quick because at the moment there isn't really anything you can do to progress towards an end game or something. cod is great though, I hated the whole jet pack thing in previous ones but I love this one. SP is great too!
Ahhh I just saw this!
Congrats everyone and thank you so much
whaaaaatttt... you get paid for chatting? man! I's gotta chat some more!!!
Congratulations, guys. Thank you all for being so sincere and helpful.
November 2017 awards:
Gold - $100 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Silver - $50 giftcard
Bronze - $25 giftcard
@"Seeking Perfection"
@"Leah M B"
Getting close...
@"Heart Shaped Box"
@"Paul Caint"
@"Cant Get Right"
Oh wow I thought I didn’t really comment much this month! Thank you so much
I'm always a groomsmen, never a groom on these lists
Congrats everyone! Now to order more LSAT supplies off of Amazon
Haha I didn’t think I had either, but I’ll take it! Thank you!!
Thank you! This is awesome.
Thank you for the gift. I will be using it on fancy pencils for my February retake.
What kind are you thinking of getting?
You have gotta get the Tombow Mono 100 or Mitsubishi Hi-Unis
Happy Holidays everyone!
To help celebrate the holidays, we are putting out the December 2017 awards a little early, and all award levels get an extra $25 for this month, including the "Getting close..." 7Sagers.
Also, we are making a lasting change to the award levels. I got a message from a 7Sager after last month's awards, asking for a change. I won't say who to protect their privacy. They said:
"Can I opt out from now on so others can get a chance? 7Sage is a great community and I’d like other people to be rewarded for participating!"
WHAT... who's THIS thoughtful?
I've got to say, I'm blown away. You all are the BEST!!!
That was such a kind suggestion from them that we decided to let more people get awards. But instead of opting them out, we're going to add one silver and two bronzes to the monthly Chatterbox awards.
Now, it's:
1 Gold
3 Silver (used to be 2)
6 Bronze (used to be 4)
Without further ado, onto this month's winners!:
Gold - $100+25 giftcard
@"Alex Divine"
Silver - $50+25 giftcard
@"Paul Caint"
Bronze - $25+25 giftcard
@"Leah M B"
@"Seeking Perfection"
Getting close... +$25 giftcard
Congratulations everyone!
Omg yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas THANK YOU 7SAGE
Thank you so much!!