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Under-Represented Minority Applicant Survey. Please help.

sharitamdsharitamd Alum Member
in General 24 karma

Hi. I am working on my final project to complete my degree and I need some minority applicants to answer this survey. PLEASE!! It is short and won't take long and it will help me graduate :) Please take a few minutes now to answer. Thank you in advance.

  1. Why did you decide to apply to law school?
  2. Were there any obstacles that you had to overcome in the application process, or prior to application?
  3. How did you overcome those obstacles?
  4. Do you have suggestions on how to eliminate those obstacles for future law school applicants?
  5. Is there anything else that you think would be helpful to know?

Thanks again!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited October 2017 23929 karma

    @sharitamd said:
    Hi. I am working on my final project to complete my degree and I need some minority applicants to answer this survey. PLEASE!! It is short and won't take long and it will help me graduate :) Please take a few minutes now to answer. Thank you in advance.

    1. Why did you decide to apply to law school?

    I originally was more interested in finance. However, after a summer internship it became abundantly clear I did not want to continue on doing this long term. I always knew I was drawn to the idea of law mostly because it seemed to match my skills well, give me the tools I need to achieve some person goals, and allow me to make a great salary. I'm no crusader though ... I see this as a career and not much else.

    1. Were there any obstacles that you had to overcome in the application process, or prior to application?

    Work/life balance mostly. Lack of support from family.

    1. How did you overcome those obstacles?

    I just decided that my timeline would be as long as it takes for me to score a 174+

    1. Do you have suggestions on how to eliminate those obstacles for future law school applicants?

    Set your sights on a 4.0 and a 180. Work your hardest to achieve those things and if you fall short, well, I'm sure you won't be too far off from being a perfect applicant.

    1. Is there anything else that you think would be helpful to know?

    Don't consider any URM "boost" just put your head down and work. Be ready to make sacrifices if law school is what you want. Really ONLY consider going to a top law school. The legal profession is extremely bifurcated such that those graduating from top school have completely different opportunities.

    I'd also recommend that you get 7Sage and forget about all the other crap stuff on the market.

    Thanks again!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    I've direct messaged you :)

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    I'm a minority applicant but not considered a URM. Do you still need my help?

  • lgsb0629lgsb0629 Alum Member
    100 karma

    Why did you decide to apply to law school?
    B/c I saw how disempowered people in my community are. I wanted a career that could help them live a more dignified life.

    Were there any obstacles that you had to overcome in the application process, or prior to application?
    Right now, the LSAT is kicking my ass. I see many people post on here about having a shitty LSAT score and they have something in the 160s. That kind of pisses me off b/c I've been working my ass off and I legit have a shitty LSAT score. I've talked to several URM's with MY background and we have all struggled with the LSAT. Then again there are so few of URM law students/attorneys. So far the LSAT has been the biggest struggle for me.

    How did you overcome those obstacles?
    I'm working hard. It's tough to balance working full time, having a parent with a terminal illness at home, and studying for the LSAT (among other things) all at once. I'm part of a law-fellows group for URMs and I work with nothing but URM attorneys. My little network keeps me going b/c they know the struggle, particularly for URM's in this field.

    Do you have suggestions on how to eliminate those obstacles for future law school applicants?
    I would suggest building a network of attorneys/law students with your similar background. I would also suggest giving yourself ample time to study for the LSAT. Do not be afraid of talking to your professors in undergrad.

    Is there anything else that you think would be helpful to know?
    I think we URM's need to stop doubting ourselves (I need to work on this). Remember that you can do this and you will do this. It is very difficult for us but we need you.

  • sharitamdsharitamd Alum Member
    24 karma

    I have sent private messages to each of you. Thank you so much! Anyone else who is interested but does not want to post publicly, I forgot to mention that you can private message me. Thanks again!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited October 2017 23929 karma

    @sharitamd said:
    I have sent private messages to each of you. Thank you so much! Anyone else who is interested but does not want to post publicly, I forgot to mention that you can private message me. Thanks again!

    I edited my "WHY" since I must have misread it as "when."


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