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I just saw an email that my account will expire in a few days. This service and community was instrumental in helping me get to where I am today. Happy to answer any general questions about 1L (so far), LSAT, application cycles, whatever. Hope this can help someone!
What’s something that has surprised you about your 1L year so far?
Ron! What's up, dude!?
What is the hardest part of 1L so far?
Hi! Thank you! Is it true that the LSAT is a big predictor for how you will do your first year?
Tbh, as corny as it might sound, I've been very surprised with how generally cool my classmates are. The vibe in my section is like we're all on the same team. People are helpful with sharing notes, we have an active FB group for events, and everyone is pretty friendly/adjusted (for the most part).
Will this change as finals get close? Who knows. But at least for now I've been pleasantly surprised.
@"Alex Divine"
Alex, hope all is well with your prep! Good to see you still manning the forums! The hardest thing so far has been the time commitment. I was aware that 1L is hard work and time consuming and blah blah blah... But be prepared to put in the hours. The issue isn't so much the difficulty of the material; yes, some topics are confusing and may seem counterintuitive at first.. but you will get it. So far I've found it helpful to focus on the big picture of course and continuing to grind
To further elaborate on time stuff... I'll typically have 10-20 pages of reading per class meeting (usually 2 classes per day except one day in which I have 3). This might not sound like a lot, but the material is dense, and I usually knock out 10 pages per hour. This isn't a hard rule, but just what I've noticed do far. On top of regular reading, I have a writing assignment due next week, outlining to start, etc etc.
Eh, I'm not convinced about this, but can't really comment since I haven't received any grades yet. Think about it this way.. at my school the difference between the 25th and 75th LSAT is like 3 points in score.. If you're scoring at a high level, this is only a handful of questions or fewer separating the vast majority of a 1L class. To me, that difference could result from a host of factors that may not directly translate to law school performance.
I guess my point is don't get too tied up with your LSAT score. Is it hugely important for getting in and getting scholarship $$$, YES. Do I think that someone who scored way higher than others will on balance do better than the rest of the class? Sure, probably. But IMO, everyone will be so close in score anyway, and law school material is so different than the LSAT (despite the test requiring that you utilize certain similar skills), that I don't think our section rankings will pan out in accordance to LSAT scores.
I'm also pretty sure that there are some studies measuring law school performance to entering gpa/lsat which show a weak or moderate correlation..but you'd have to look into that yourself
Thanks for reaching out! What school do you attend and are the classes anything like you expected?
What are some of the entertaining things the gunners in your class have done?
Hey Ron, good to see you and glad everything's going well in 1L!
Hi! Can you weigh in on the merits of entering law school with a concrete idea of the type of law you'd like to pursue vs. going with the flow and using 1L to figure out where your interests lie?
yes; love this question; wondering the same.
How are the professors and how does the grading work? In addition, how did you learn how to brief cases or take notes? How much do you think class size has help/hurt your ability to learn?
Thank you. Sorry for all the questions.
Based on what you have heard around your peers, does it seem like applying in January hinders peoples chances of getting financial aid or admission?
To what extent did you prep Pre-Law school?
Are you thinking about applying for clerkships yet? 1L summer gig at a firm?
Also, @"Dillon A. Wright" , can we extend this guy’s account so he can follow up post finals?
He will forever have forum access. It's just the access to the course material that he loses
Hey Ron so my questions are
1. LSAT scores aren't as indicative of law school performance as thought? Now when I ask I don't mean at all to put down the merit of a high LSAT score- of course I still consider these greatly important to the extent that such scores largely affect where you will go to law school. What I rather mean to ask, maybe, is that let's say there's two people in a class- one who got a 165 and another who got a 163. The person who got a 165 won't necessarily write a better law review article assignment that impresses the professor? I would think the skills you're required to learn in law school are hard in different ways and as such when you're in you should forget about what you did in undergrad or your LSAT this and that etc. and try to pay attention to the way these new skills are challenging you?
2. Is there honestly an heir of confidence and pride? I don't mean in a narcissistic or conceited way or anything but more like the feeling that you really feel like you're "up there" on campus and a feeling of respect from others around you and dignity? I've always found it really cool but also intimidating to see the law students walk out of the law school building with their books in their hands. I always think to myself that's what I want to be one day.
I'm just piping in to make sure I'm on the reply thread notification (if this thread has one).
Just click the star (favorite) the thread up top near the like button. You'll receive notifications for this thread.
*gasp is that what star is for?? Lol
It took me like a year to figure that out.
Ok cool so I'm not THAT slow lol ... actually it probably would have taken me two years if you hadn't told me lol
Ron! I miss the good ol' days in the office. I heard over at Pawnee Today that the cities Dump was thunderstruck! ... Or, was it.. Trump is a Smuck?
Anywho, congrats on being a 1L. Here's my question:
How much extra time do you have saved up each day for relaxation after reading and writing? (assuming the strive for an 'A' in class).