Applying Valid / Invalid Argument Forms in LR

amedley88amedley88 Alum Member

Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice, resources or recommendations on how to sharpen one's skills at recognizing valid / invalid argument forms in the LR sections. I know there is lots about this is in the core curriculum but it's mainly within the context of formal diagramming lawgic-type methods. I feel like this is giving me trouble in Flaw, NA/SA/PSA question types which are my worst along with Strengthen and Weakening questions. I can actually get Parallel Method of Reasoning (Flaw and Regular) questions because of how basic the structures tend to be, but usually only in blind review. I'm basically terrible at every type of question that involves being critical about and analyzing the merits of an abstract argument :( Any help would be appreciated!


  • edited November 2017 1042 karma

    I think it is important to drill indicator flashcards until you read you can read statements like (cats are not fat unless they are cute) as Fat -----> Cute in pretty much one second. To do this, just start messing around with statements like I just wrote to practice it. Really make sure you have this down. Diagram every conditional statement in blind review as well and see if it matches JY's and/or your rules.

    At the end of the day, hard questions/ACs will try and confuse us with these conditions. If you can intuitively read statements fluidly, despite the convoluted language, then it takes a layer of difficulty out of the question.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I made flashcards and went through them continually for about a week. That really helped to solidify the valid and invalid argument forms for me. Once it's second nature to you, you'll be able to quickly eliminate wrong answer choices on Parallel MOR/Flaw questions and MBT/SA questions as well!

  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    378 karma

    Making the flashcards as I type this. I should probably make some for valid and invalid argument forms as well. These will be the first flashcards I have ever made in my life. I also never thought I would be waking up at 5:30AM every weekday... This test really changes you, man.

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