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Guys! I just want to celebrate a bit. I'm still not where I ultimately want to be yet, but I can really tell that I'm on the road to getting there. Last night I got my first 180 BR and tied my PT score record (167). But I'm happier about the fact that I can really see the progress in my last several PTs. (Also, the 7sage analytics are almost worth the price of the course itself!) After the CC, I had improved for the most part but was wildly inconsistent. Post-CC I was scoring any where between 156 and 167 and was all over the map. Now my last 6 PTs are: 164, 165, 164, 166, 166, 167. Both the consistency and that slow but sure upward trajectory are so encouraging.
I think I'm not going to be quite where I want by December 2, but I'm feeling positive that I can even probably improve a bit before then. I'm also registered for February and think I might be closer to my goal score by then.
Dance party time? I think yes.
Since this post, I added a couple more 167 PTs and a 169. Official score in December: 168.
The upward trend continued as did consistency, and it really came through. Started at a 155 diagnostic, so +13 overall. I’m ecstatic with the score. I’m registered for February and will probably still sit for that to see if I can inch up at all and use it for scholarship negotiations.
But a huuuuuge thank you is owed to @"J.Y. Ping", @"Dillon A. Wright", and everyone on the boards for encouragement! I’m now more excited than ever to get apps in.
Happy holidays to all!
Yay! Congrats!
I really like this comment: "I'm on the road to getting there." Great job on staying with it, and I think things are going to keep improving.
This is awesome! Congrats. You're keeping a level head which is good. One of the best feelings in the world is to notice progress. The LSAT likes to give glimpses of it sparingly. You'll knock this test out of the park. I have confidence in you!
Congrats!!! You deserve to feel this great.
That's great!! Inspires me to keep on going! I haven't tried the 7Sage analytics yet but I keep hearing good things - oh when, will this course end!!!
Thanks everyone! Really just want to encourage folks that this can make you want to rip all your hair out and jump out the nearest window at times, but grinding and putting in the work does eventually bring results. Even if the result is not always 100% of what you wanted, progress is progress.
Such a good feeling!
congrats girl way to hang in there!
Woohoo! Keep it up!
Yas, girl, yasssss!
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing improvement after putting in the time, sweat, and tears, specially for the LSAT!
I'm cheering for you and sending 180 vibes your way!
That's wonderful..congrats!
Congratulations!! I absolutely love your post. I BR'd a 177 yesterday for the first time and feel the same way. Still have a long way to go to make that my actual score but something is definitely working! And we just have to keep at it!!
And yes, its absolutely dance party time! Haha
Beautiful! Thank you for the positivity ❤️
Happy for you - you go girl!!
Awesome job, Leah! You're gonna slay the LSAT.
(See original post for update!)
Amazing! You got this!
I believe you can hit that 170 level at least!
Yay Leah!! Excited to see even more gains in February from you! Nowhere else to go but up
Nicely done, congrats!!
Congrats on the improvement! That's awesome!!!--A.c.S
Congratulations! I hope that you hear positive news and don't need to take February.