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How often should we be taking prep-tests?

mackenzie_fitzgeraldmackenzie_fitzgerald Alum Member
edited January 2015 in General 74 karma
I'm planning on sitting in June 2015 and I just began studying Dec 26, 2014. My raw score for the very first prep test that we were told to do was a 149 - so not too bad but definitely need to improve. I was just wondering how often I should be doing the practice tests. I'm in school full time and I work full time so I don't exactly have the 4 hours a day to study like this calls for, but I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on the best way to optimize my time??



  • miriruchertmiriruchert Alum Member
    180 karma
    Do as many full timed practice tests as you can. I studied for a while but never took enough of strictly timed sections/full tests and I ended up back w my diagnostic score - it was painful. so make sure you have the timing down.
  • mackenzie_fitzgeraldmackenzie_fitzgerald Alum Member
    74 karma
  • Allison MAllison M Alum Member Inactive Sage
    810 karma
    Assuming that you've finished the 7Sage curriculum, take one a week for now and, if you have the time, up that to two or three as test day approaches. If you haven't finished the curriculum, don't take any until you do -- just work your way through the included practice sets.

    Whatever you decide on, make sure to leave yourself enough time to properly blind review each test.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    so you began like a week ago, you have a while b4 you should be taking PT's... for now stick with learning the fundamentals, go through the course (if doing 7sage) if not go through books and drill, make sure your getting the fundamentals down pretty well. Doing any PTs now will be almost a waste. you want to drill problems from the pre-30 PTs while learning(those are the questions involved in 7sage curriculum) I wouldnt say you have to be done with it b4 you start PTing but I would say you should avoid it for atleast 1-2 months, and even then I would start with lower ones and untimed with a lot of dedication to reviewing and trying to understand it all. Once you're hitting the 170's on these untimed ones then you can go ahead and start getting into legit timed PT's
  • mackenzie_fitzgeraldmackenzie_fitzgerald Alum Member
    74 karma
    Great advice jdawg, thanks I'll do that!
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    I agree with jdawgs. If this is especially your first time studying period, I would focus on learning the LR question types/LG game types and drilling using the Cambridge drilling packets. There's no need right now for you to burn through precious PT's when you are still getting used to the content of this test. I made that mistake....lol
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