Score Drop - 70s+

WittyNameHereWittyNameHere Member
in General 31 karma

Hey everyone,

Short term lurker, first time poster.

I've been self studying for the December LSAT for around 4 months and have progressively worked my way through almost all of the available PTs.

At this point, I've written tests 1-71 and 74. 72 and 73 are being divided up to serve as experimental sections for the remainder of my PTs before the 2nd.

Starting in the 40s, my PTs have consistently ranged between 173-177, with the majority falling in the 174-176 range. A typical distribution would be -3 combined on LR, -0 to -2 on games and -2 on RC.

Unfortunately my last few PTs have taken a bit of a nosedive, with a 171 on PT 71 (-2LR/-5LG/-6RC) and a 168 on PT 74 (-3LR/-3LG/-8RC). The two scores have been my lowest two PTs in ~2 months. I suspect that the combination of stress and fatigue is creeping in. I haven't been sleeping much over the last week, as I'm consistently dreaming about LGs that I've fabricated, but can't solve. It doesn't seem like my mind has been considerate enough to also create a corresponding answer to the questions, so I'm stuck in CBT limbo on an imaginary sequencing or grouping game at 3 AM.

My LR scores have stayed relatively consistent, but my RC scores have taken a major drop on my last two PTs. I've also struggled to complete game sections within 35, whereas in past I was consistently finishing them in 32-33 minutes. The RC sections in the 70s "feel" tougher to me, but I'm also making mistakes that wouldn't have happened previously IMHO.

Long story short, I'd appreciate everyones insight on what I should make of the last couple of PTs. I feel that burnout is contributing, but the major drop is RC was a shock that corresponds with when many people claim that RC sections became tougher.

Thanks for your help.


  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    I don't think there's anything particularly difficult or special in the 70s.

    Sounds like you might be burning out. There's not much more to learn in the next two weeks.

    Just try to really rest up and keep a good mindset. I would just do like max 3 more PTs between now and the test.

  • WittyNameHereWittyNameHere Member
    31 karma

    Thanks for your response. The insight is greatly appreciated.

    I certainly agree that burnout is playing a significant factor. At this juncture, my study schedule involves a 2 day break over the weekend preceding the exam along with a 2 day break before the exam itself. That said, it also involves another 9 PTs during before the exam itself.

    LSAT studying has been my "full-time" job since the beginning of August, so I've averaged 5-6 PTs a week during that period. For the first couple months, I was reusing a randomized games section for my experimental, but starting in November I began to cannibalize every 5th exam to ensure I was using new material. As a result, I did the equivalent of 7.5 full PTs last week (6 4-section PTs with another 1.5 in experimental sections), with a 1-day break before starting again today. Clearly too much....

    Do you feel the "differences" in RC and LG above 70 merit doing all 9 exams?

  • jlaw7494jlaw7494 Alum Member
    60 karma

    I wouldn't say the 70s are particularly difficult, but I have noticed a score drop myself. I've been hovering around 170 for PTs 20 through 70, and I scored a 166 on both 76 and 81 (haven't taken any other tests so far).

    It's mainly LR that I've been missing points on, and the section is definitely different than on earlier tests. I've been noticing more principle questions in particular, which I haven't reviewed in the course yet. I've also found that LGs are not necessarily harder, but more experimental than in earlier tests.

  • WittyNameHereWittyNameHere Member
    31 karma

    I would second the increase in principle questions. Did you notice a different in RC?

    For the sake of illustration, I grabbed a 2 randomized RC samples from PT C and PT A and did them this evening. Both were completed in 32 minutes with -0. I'm having a tough time reconciling a -8 on RC this morning (worst ever by a SIGNIFICANT margin) with those scores.

    To play the devils advocate, my experimental this morning was the RC from 72 and I went -2 on it. Maybe the RC in 74 just didn't line up for some reason....

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