Considering Cancelling Score - Thoughts?

WittyNameHereWittyNameHere Member
in General 31 karma

Congratulations to everyone who wrote yesterday. Hopefully you’re all enjoying some hard earned time off.

I’m looking for a bit of guidance on how to handle what felt like a BAD write yesterday. December was the last admissible write for my only school option next year (extenuating circumstances preventing me from studying elsewhere). I’m applying with a splitter GPA that would require a 167/168+ for admittance next year. They also average scores, so a low score stays with me. If I don’t start next cycle, I’ll be upgrading classes to boost my gpa for 2019.

PT average has been in the 172-175 range for 40 plus PTs. Lowest write in 2 plus months was a 168.

Yesterday’s Test:

RC - Felt good while writing, but I’ve had a fair bit of RC variability in writing recently ranging from -1 to -5. This felt like a strong section, so I’d hope for something at the bottom end of that.

LR1 - Total blur. I had to guess on a minimum of one question and was rushed on 3-4. As a whole I don’t feel very confident about this section. LR has traditionally been my strongest section with a -1.5 average, but I feel like this could have been anywhere from -3 to -8.

LG - Felt good on three games, but fear I may have misdiagrammed one. Guessed on two due to time. I’m thinking -5+.

LR2 - Felt like a normal LR section, but it’s tough to say.

I have no idea what to make of my potential score. Mt best guesses are ranging between -12/13 if I performed better than expect on the LR1 to -20.


1) If I cancel and rewrite, I’m pushing myself into the next admissions cycle and upgrading. I strongly feel that I could perform better on a second write, but the prospect of setting everything back a year is far from ideal.

2) Chance it on this test/cycle and risk a low score that requires a higher GPA requirement subsequently.


How reliable an indicator is feeling like you bombed the exam the day after the test?

What would you do?


  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    edited December 2017 729 karma

    I wouldn't cancel. Every time I feel like I bombed, I do good. And vice versa. I feel like I did ok yesterday, what worries me :( also, they're saying the curve may be generous because of games...

  • WittyNameHereWittyNameHere Member
    31 karma

    I suppose we’ll see. I’m fairly confident that I made a diagramming error in game 4 that could cost me the whole section. Can’t remember how many questions there were, but that could inflate my LG misses.

    As a whole, I’m just disappointed in my performance. I don’t remember a thing from one of my LR sections, but I know I wasn’t engaged with the questions at all. Really feeling like I dropped the ball there and have no idea how it went.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    So don't cancel and register for Feb LSAT as well. We tend to exaggerate how badly we did on the test. Maybe you didn't score well, but if you have your applications in and you have a score around their median maybe by seeing you are registered for Feb LSAT they will wait for your Feb score.

    As a side note, JY on his real LSAT thought he did really bad and almost cancelled his score. Good thing he did not, because he scored in 170's. So don't rely too much on those feelings, often they tend to be different from the reality.

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