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Neck pain during the test

rpadr007rpadr007 Member
in General 101 karma

During section 2 I get a bit of a crick in my neck, I previously asked the proctor how high can I raise my test booklet off the table and she said she'd 'just let me know' big mistake! During section 3 I had it raised off the desk and she stood in front of me during a LG question and started waving her hands, startling and distracting me from this already difficult task. Luckily I'm certain it was an experimental section. Anyone have a similar issue with this test?


  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I cracked my neck multiple times throughout the exam, but I think the adrenaline of moving through the exam made me unconscious of any neck discomfort.

    Funny enough though, I woke up this morning and my entire neck is sore. Worse than its even been in my life haha. Neck burnout is real!

  • TheAnxious0LTheAnxious0L Alum Member
    587 karma

    Oh my gosh I'm so glad that wasn't just me. I woke up this morning and there were actual bruises on the back of my neck lol.

  • FerdaFreshFerdaFresh Alum Member
    561 karma

    For those getting pain in their neck and traps from all the studying!!!

    Grab a dense rubber ball (or tennis ball), stand against a wall facing away from it, place the ball between your neck and the wall, and roll that bad boy against your muscles for some nice crunching relief

  • Paul PedersonPaul Pederson Member
    903 karma

    I know exactly what you're talking about, Ive had a bulging disk in my neck since 2005. One thing thats helped me is fitness, I've been doing a lot of core workouts and taking fish oil. I would recommend military press, planks, and as much fish oil as you can get your hands on.

  • 10bird__10bird__ Member
    80 karma

    I actually have a damaged disc in my neck and it was a pain (literally) to sit through that test...

  • OlamHafuchOlamHafuch Alum Member
    2326 karma

    This is especially a big problem when they have those stupid, inadequate little desks.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I lucked out, I had some bad back spasms early this year and suddenly it came raging back on Friday and I was having a major freak out. I could barely turn my head to the left, hurt like a mofo. Massaged the muscle as much as I could myself (lol), laid on a heat pad, took an anti-inflammatory and a little extra of my magnesium supplement, and woke up Saturday with it lingering but significantly better. The muscle did tense up some progressively during the test but was manageable, thankfully.

    Sorry that you had to deal with that, ugh. That's the worst, being distracted with pain.

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