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How long does BR take?

LivePumpkinLivePumpkin Free Trial Member
in General 270 karma

Hi everyone! I have a few questions regarding BR:

How long does it generally take you to BR one LR section? Is it more beneficial to BR every question or just the questions you circled?

The reason I am asking is because I’ve noticed that BRing an entire LR section and THEN checking the answers and properly understanding them is taking me quite a while! Thank you!!!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @LivePumpkin said:
    Hi everyone! I have a few questions regarding BR:

    How long does it generally take you to BR one LR section? Is it more beneficial to BR every question or just the questions you circled?

    The reason I am asking is because I’ve noticed that BRing an entire LR section and THEN checking the answers and properly understanding them is taking me quite a while! Thank you!!!

    Hey @LivePumpkin ,

    It's entirely dependent on how many question you circled and then how long it takes you to review and understand your mistakes. Some questions I circle are simply due to running out of time. These I can usually figure out on BR relatively quickly. Then, more commonly, there are questions that I just didn't fully understand under timed conditions. Properly BR reviewing these can take anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour. All that to say, there is no general amount of time BR should take. It simply varies from person to person.

    I only BR the questions I circle. My reasoning: If you need to review it during BR, then you likely should have circled it. You should be circling anything you are not absolutely 100% confident on for BR. And if you're 100% confident in your answer, then I think the time BR'ing it may be better spent working on something else.

    On average, I circle probably ~8 LR questions per section and it takes me about 1.5 to 2.5 hours to blind review. So it's perfectly normal for it to take a long time. It's worth it though because BR is where you will make your improvements.

  • Stevie CStevie C Alum Member
    edited December 2017 645 karma

    By the end of my studying, it took me about 4 hours for the whole test. In the beginning, it took 10.

    For each LR section, it started as 2-3 hours and eventually took less than 30 minutes.

    It depends how many questions you circle and on your familiarity with the material

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