Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 157, 3.56 GPA with strong softs...February LSAT? - 7Sage Forum

157, 3.56 GPA with strong softs...February LSAT?

allisonkristyneallisonkristyne Free Trial Member
edited January 2015 in General 9 karma
Hey everyone,

Let me just say first that I was going to post something re: my subject on TLS but I was afraid they would all shoot me down regardless of what I said...everyone here seems much nicer and not as crazy. :)

I sat for the December LSAT and scored a 157. I was doing practice tests around that range, so it was no surprise, but the two I've taken since then have been a 159 and a 160. I know it's not THAT huge of a difference, and the scores really aren't that great at all, but I really feel like it may make a big difference in my applications. I am registered for the Feb LSAT as of now. That being said...I don't want to eff up my chances by finally submitting an application in early March.

I've got a 3.56 GPA, my major GPA was a 3.85 from Wisconsin and I have a very obvious upward trend in my junior/senior years in school. I spent two years working at a law firm while in college. I'm currently serving an Americorps VISTA year, work as a CASA (court appointed special advocate) for children who are abused or neglected and advocate for them in a courtroom, and spent a year working with children on the Autism Spectrum. I want to study Special Education/Disability Law and possibly Health Law, so I'm looking into some schools with very specific programs.

Schools I'm applying to (in order of ranking):

William & Mary (has a Special Education clinic)
University of Wisconsin
University of Minnesota
Richmond (already got in, and has a special education clinic)
Loyola (Childlaw Fellowship Program)
Michigan State
Syracuse (dual degree, JD/MS in Disability Studies)

I guess my question is this: I know that about half of the schools I'm applying to are pretty far reaches (but are also schools with a reputation of having a more "holistic" view of applicants), while the other half are safeties. I'm excited I've already gotten into Richmond, as that is a promising option for me, but I don't know if it's more important to submit my applications to the other schools earlier, with a 157, or wait until March and maybe score a few points higher. I have technically submitted all of my applications, and all of the schools (except Richmond) emailed me saying they were holding my app until Feb scores.

Thoughts?! I know it's a lot. I just can't stop going back and forth!


  • SoCal JaporeanSoCal Japorean Free Trial Member
    147 karma
    I don't think it makes a difference. A lot of schools hold your application for the Feb LSAT score. I think earlier the better; apply, then contact admissions and tell them to make a note that you are waiting for your Feb Scores. I have a similar situation; I am currently contesting a class that I never took that was in my transcript, so I just applied with a note saying that I am contesting something with the university right now and that I would send them an update of my transcripts once the procedure is over.
  • lbalestrierilbalestrieri Alum Member
    110 karma
    First off, yayy U of Wisconsin! I went there as well. To answer your question though, I have been struggling with the same thing. Its a little different for me however, I also scored a 157 on my December test, however I had been scoring around a 162 for quite a few PT so I know that I can do better and just failed to perform. What I have been doing is emailing admissions for the schools that I'm unsure about whether to apply now or wait for the February LSAT. From the responses that I have been receiving, they have told me that at this point in the admissions cycle I am better off waiting for my new score. Now obviously this may be specific to the schools I talked to, but I encourage you to do the same thing and just ask those schools directly and hopefully that will help you make your decision. Good luck!
  • pjanderson5pjanderson5 Free Trial Member
    238 karma
    Another fellow Badger here! I got a 157 as well and I will be retaking. Your softs are strong, but those are only 5% of your application. I would take the June or Oct LSAT and apply next cycle to get your score up to 165+ in order to get into some of the higher ranked schools (Northwestern, WUSTL) or get into strong regionals (Wisconsin, Minnesota) with good scholarship $.

    It sounds like you are basically where you were in Dec as far as your PT's go. Taking the Feb LSAT seems like a waste if you aren't scoring significantly higher. You could save a lot of money by getting that score up. It was hard for me to stomach taking a year off, but it's your future your talking about.
  • ddakjikingddakjiking Inactive ⭐
    2116 karma
    Hi. I'll use a resource a lot of TLSers use.

    Using your gpa/LSAT range, LSN showed this kind of movement.
    GPA range: 3.45-3.65
    LSAT range: 156-158

    As you can see, your chances at T50 is a bit rough.

    Using the same parameters except this time with a 163, your chances at T25-50 really opens up (with good amount of $$ too)
  • BrittanyBBrittanyB Alum Member
    20 karma
    Hi there! I have a similar question if anybody has any advice about what to do... I took the September 2014 LSAT and am planning on retaking in February (my recent PT scores have been well above the score I got in September). I was just going to cross my fingers and apply for the schools with a March 15th deadline using my February LSAT score.

    But two of the schools I'm applying for have an app deadline of February 1st. Is it advised to check the box that says I will be retaking the LSAT for those schools? Will they even hold my application that long waiting for scores when they have a February 1st deadline?

    And if they do hold those scores, do you guys think I would have a better chance just using my current score or waiting for the February score?

    Hopefully this wasn't a stupid question. Thanks guys!
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