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Canada Ontario law schools admission decisions

Birdie966Birdie966 Free Trial Member

I am currently in my 3rd year of undergrad and planning to apply to law schools this fall for Fall 2018. I was wondering how the admission decision process works for Ontario law schools. Since I am applying during my 4th year, will they wait all the way till June 2018 to let me know of a decision? Or will they let me know earlier such as in January or February 2018? And what happens in the case if I get wait-listed? I am assuming September 2017 will be the last LSAT I will be writing.



  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited March 2017 1363 karma

    Ontario decisions go out in blocks. The first typically starts in December (first two weeks), the second in January (last few weeks), the third in March and then a few June. Most classes fill up by June-ish. However, there have been instances where students have been accepted a few weeks before the start of the fall session.

    The stronger candidates, like at any other school, get accepted in the first few rounds. Those wait listed usually hear back in summer. Most applicants are notified of their standing by the summer as well.

    For your case, they won't need to necessarily hold off your application till the summer of '18 to provide you with a decision, if your application is strong (i.e., you have a high gpa and LSAT and have written your PS well).

    Hope this helps :smile:

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited March 2017 1363 karma

    Also, if you haven't already, I suggest you visit for more info on Canadian law schools.

  • sbzan25sbzan25 Alum Member
    42 karma


    I am wondering if anyone knows anything about February test/test takers. Specifically, I wrote in December (in Ontario) and am not at all happy with my score... and have been scoring waaaay higher on diagnostic tests. I have decided to rewrite in February... but I'm so worried that decisions will be made based on my December score. However... I have already changed my "future LSAT date" on OLSAS to February. Basically what I am wondering and am concerned about, is whether I have lost my chance.


    A concerned and frustrated candidate!

    19 karma

    @sbzanelli said:

    I am wondering if anyone knows anything about February test/test takers. Specifically, I wrote in December (in Ontario) and am not at all happy with my score... and have been scoring waaaay higher on diagnostic tests. I have decided to rewrite in February... but I'm so worried that decisions will be made based on my December score. However... I have already changed my "future LSAT date" on OLSAS to February. Basically what I am wondering and am concerned about, is whether I have lost my chance.


    A concerned and frustrated candidate!

    I am also wondering this!

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    @WILLFRASER4 @sbzanelli Off the top of my head I think most Ontario schools do look at Feb tests, like Osgoode. So depending on your cGPA and Feb LSAT scores, if they are competitive, they'll probably send out acceptances around March.

    Based on what I remember from attending seminars last year, if your application indicates that you will be writing at a later date then your file is in a different pile that is not looked at until after the feb lsat scores. I do think there's one or two schools who do not accept feb lsat scores so I would just double check which schools those are. Hope that helps!

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    edited December 2017 1363 karma

    @keets993 is correct!

    Basically, if your current scores are within a competitive range, they may extend an offer. If they are not, they'd reserve your file until you take your February LSAT and evaluate your file accordingly.

    @sbzanelli, you haven't lost your chance. You can breathe! :smile:

    Good luck in your preparation for the Feb test!

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