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How much is too much?

Tom_TangoTom_Tango Alum Member
in General 902 karma

2 sections/day + review I think is ideal


  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    Give us some context :) are you studying full time, working full time, a student? Are you taking in Feb, June? Are you in the PT phase, review phase, or still working through the CC? Each person's "too much" is going to vary dependent on those questions and several others

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @kimmy_m66 said:
    Give us some context :) are you studying full time, working full time, a student? Are you taking in Feb, June? Are you in the PT phase, review phase, or still working through the CC? Each person's "too much" is going to vary dependent on those questions and several others


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @StephenASmith said:
    2 sections/day + review I think is ideal


    First, there is no universal ideal.

    Second, if 2 sections/day plus review is ideal for you, then that's what's ideal for you :)

    I often find that when I'm doing too much, I generally find myself going into autopilot mode. I'm reading without thinking/reasoning and begin making foolish mistakes. Sometimes it happens after 2 hours of studying and other times after 8.

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    @StephenASmith said:
    2 sections/day + review I think is ideal

    That might make a good average for lots of people, but I think it was beneficial to me to fairly regularly push way longer than that and take breaks from strenuous preparation for the LSAT for a day or two.

    If you did two sections a day with review you would never do a full PT length which cannot be ideal. I felt it was best to fairly regularly push beyond one PT worth in a day doing two 4 section PTs back to back with the break between them every Saturday in the two months before the test and reviewing those 8 sections that day. But, I didn't do anything except my daily foolproofing on Friday night or Sunday. I also pulled a couple of foolproofing all nighters earlier in my prep to try to get a breakthrough on games and get practice doing my weakest section when physically and mentally drained.

    No one trains for a race by running 2/5ths of the distance everyday. We probably shouldn't do that with the LSAT either. Instead try to "run" further than the race length some days, run shorter sprints some days, and take some days to rest and recover.

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