Ontario - LSAT Future test dates

bupguybupguy Member
edited December 2017 in Law School Admissions 6 karma

So upon submitting my OLSAS application, I indicated that planned future lsat dates would include the December and February LSAT. I've written the December date, and may choose to no longer write the Februrary one. Can I delete this planned date? Will this cause law schools to not consider my application until the february date? Will it hurt me if I don't write the February test date even though I indicated that I planned on doing so?

I also found OLSAS has not yet uploaded my December LSAT score. When should I start to be concerned?



  • seeleycatieseeleycatie Member
    25 karma

    I'm in the exact same boat as you and have emailed my questions to OLSAS. I figure we should see our LSAT scores on our applications in the next few days, since they've probably been closed for the holidays. To answer your question, yes you can delete the planned date. You simply need to log into your application and delete the date under the LSAT tab. It will take a day or two to update. I have updated my application to not include the February test date, and am assuming/hoping that the application will go into queue once the score is uploaded to OLSAS. Also, I think if the December score is competitive, there shouldn't be any reason why electing not to rewrite would give them pause.

    Congrats on getting a score you are happy with! Also, I'll let you know when I hear back from OLSAS.

  • bupguybupguy Member
    6 karma

    Thanks for the advice! Congrats and good luck!

  • seeleycatieseeleycatie Member
    25 karma

    Here's the reply from OLSAS:

    "As per the LSAT website, the December scores will only be available around January 4th. The law schools are notified of any changes made to your OLSAS application.
    Just keep monitoring your OLSAS Document Tracking, for the receipt of your LSAT scores."

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