Thanks for posting!! crazy amount of info to take in... If you get pretty far in and get stuck, read quote below. There is one sentence with a very ambiguous meaning, and the correct interpretation is not really the intuitive one. I had both interpr…
I always just come back to the actual definitions of the terms... "necessary" aka "needed"--ask yourself if the thing you're reading NEEDS to be true in order to reach the conclusion given. "Sufficient" aka "enough." Is the thing you're reading ENOU…
@noonawoon sorry but it wasn't even feedback. I read your 250 and I just thought you might think another idea was interesting because it is related - hence "you would probably enjoy thinking about." I regret mentioning that your statement isn't perf…
@tams2018 thanks yes just sharing thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't have led with 'it's not perfect' lol... Sorry if I offended. Of course it's good you got into Yale
It's definitely not perfect but the ideas are actually very interesting and it's a bold subject... insider non-trading is super interesting and original. I don't think I've ever heard someone give that perspective, or even point out that it's a pote…
I think the difference between the two is the most stark in that correct Strengthen answers could be false, whereas correct Necessary assumption answers MBT.
Consider something like this argument "Researchers never find tools in ancient dwellings o…
ProctorU was completely fine, no issues at all except the guy was a no show for like 3 min after I finished. Firefox no pop-ups.
RC-LG-LR-RC, first RC was rap (easy) second was Native Americans. That RC section could realistically break my goal sc…
I find it really surprising how supportive this thread has been for this approach.
This is definitely one of those things where the person you were talking to gave an example of one study approach they actually did use, but it wasn't their primary …
The argument you give as a parallel example isn't really the same but there is definitely a weird assumption that the General Assembly can't begin twice, once at 6 and again at 7. I remember getting this right and not overthinking that detail at the…
As far as the subjunctive goes, I don't believe it's accurate to say that it automatically negates anything grammatically.
The subjunctive indicates a hypothetical event, but the factual status of the hypothetical is un-inferable from observing use…
As far as I can tell, the predictor has the new medians for the 2021 incoming class loaded in. It had the 2020 in until pretty recently, not sure when they updated.
They use a good number of ideas in LG that are originally presented in LR. It depends where you're starting from and whether you find the LSAT intuitive or challenging. If you find the ideas in the LSAT challenging, I would just do everything as pre…
@sarahblair that specific test must just be an outlier. Honestly, that tool isn't really that useful. Each individual test has its own raw score -> result calculation, and that one must be especially unforgiving, perhaps because most takers found…
@Shen_Bapiro97 I would say that the two approaches are pretty much clones. 7Sage
gives quite a bit more tangible advice on RC, but the ideas are conceptually the same, "big picture" is more important than the details. Honestly, both systems are j…
Many improve in two months. It's impossible to know if you will be at your goal in two months. However, you will almost definitely not reach your maximum potential score in two months, and a few extra points on the LSAT is worth more than applying e…
Weakening/strengthening questions aren't necessarily assumption focused. Usually you need to figure out the premise, the conclusion, and why the speaker thinks the conclusion follows from the premises. Typically, the strengthen or weaken will target…
Reading - comprehension = looking at words. If you "read" fast and don't retain very much/anything, you're just looking at words. The speed at which you can comfortably comprehend the passage is very important, but, as others have said, focusing on …
I found them hard. Only did a bit worse than normal, but there was definitely a bit of luck involved. I think it gave me the most trouble out of all the game sections in the 80's.
Thanks! When I lose points now it's pretty much just if I misread something, but only if the misreading still provides a listed answer. I can definitely relate to "read better idiot." I misread stuff relatively often, maybe like every other set, but…