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  • Have been PTing far beyond the original goal I set. EVERY. TIME. I see those results I experience an hour of excitement followed by a day or two of low-grade depression. It's exactly what you're describing; doubts about my performance on the real te…
  • Also sipping something that has a low amount of sugar (I do fruit juice cut with a lot of water) has helped me maintain blood glucose that, when low, contributes to focus issues/headaches/etc. Kinda silly but those little gel packets that runners u…
  • E isn't correct because (for the purposes of the question) the stimulus doesn't really introduce a sufficient or necessary condition in a way that's vital to the argument, so that can't be the flaw. This becomes more clear in the last sentence: "th…
  • I'd love to join, I'm in the ~171 range and am trying to whittle things down to ~175.
  • @"nicholas.leon96" Not OP, but when you say "take a look at the LR questions you're weakest on", would you recommend going over actual questions we've missed or just the type of question we're missing most, with new stimuli? Curious because I see t…