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  • I'm in the same boat! I missed 9 in RC, the lower end of my usual range, and 9 more throughout the rest of the exam. I have decided not to retake as I am out of prep materials. I am redirecting my energies towards the things I still have control ove…
  • That's a good idea, thanks! I'll try that! (:
  • It could have been that it was the first section. I'm never focused enough on the first section to do RC. It was the first section on PT 72, and even though it was "medium" difficulty I missed 9 questions!
  • Yeah I'm doing some timed sections in addition to two PTs. If you can't do them all, focus on your weak spot? RC has gotten a lot tougher in my opinion, that might be a good place to start.
  • Hi Christian. That is a lot of PT's to write in nine days! I definitely recommend that you cut back on PTs, to two or three of the newest tests tops! The marginal gains to be had from writing five additional tests this week just aren't great enough …
  • I was very consistent at -2/-4 in RC until recently. My score in this section has begun to fluctuate more recently, as the passages become more difficult into the late-60's, and also as I become more nervous about the September exam. As far as the…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice. I only have two PTs left before the 27th, and I think I'm going to take them on campus in an empty classroom, which I have only done once before. I have been fairly true to testing conditions, only occasionally bubbli…
  • I've seen a steady trend across all my PTs of a low score on my first section. Reading Comp is my best section, and on my last PT, it was the first section of the exam. I dropped to a +18 from an average of +25. I added a fifth section that day, it …
  • When you learn to adapt to the pressure of time, and begin to eliminate bad answer choices rather than select them, you will see your score increase dramatically. I took two "bad" PTs before I achieve a mid-160s score. But even scoring in the upper …
  • I'm writing the September exam as well, and I've actually taken the same PTs as you have since starting with 7sage. Before I joined 7sage I took 10 of newer exams, with a far lower average score. I'm hoping that the difference in scores can be accou…
  • I noticed this thread the other day, and forgot to comment. On my diagnostic exam I think I missed ten or twelve LR questions. But on my most recent PT I got one LR question wrong on the entire exam. I think you should definitely expect to see impro…
  • I'm just concerned that you might be so worried that you're not going to improve, that you're actually preventing yourself from improving. While preparing for the June 2014 administration, I found myself in this situation. Before the June administra…
  • If you're giving this your best effort, there is no reason to beat yourself up. Stay focused on your inevitable success, and by success I mean getting into law school. Perhaps a shift in perspective will help: this is a prerequisite, it's a weed-out…
  • I took my time with the curriculum, working through everything as suggested by 7Sage. I started PTs recently. I'm taking 2 PTs per week, one on Monday morning and one on Friday morning. I get everything ready the night before the PT, so when I'm don…
  • Hi. I was similarly frustrated a few months ago, and I think I've managed to push past the road block. I can try to give you some insight as to what worked for me. What's your strategy been thus far?
  • You should do the problem sets included in the lessons for now. You don't want to burn through practice tests before you learn everything there is to learn. Take the diagnostic, and then stick to the lessons. If you want additional practice outside…