I took my first PT after the CC and almost rage quit on my laptop. Months of study for like a 2 point difference? Omg.
But like everyone else says: The CC gives you tools. You have to practice and learn how to use those tools, and recognize where …
^^^ That. All of what Louis said. It does take a while to learn. But then one day, you come across yet another in/out game with categories and you go "wow.. this is exactly the same as that other one..." Because there are only so many games they can…
In with @"Pride Only Hurts" on this one. You are stressing out and burning out. Set the books down and walk away for a bit. Slow down, delay and find your calm center again. Study the questions in depth, not for speed. Speed comes naturally with und…
So glad to hear your update I love when folks come back to tell us what it looks like a year or two down the road.
This will be me next Fall; I just don't know where yet. Admissions is insanely slow.
It's different for everyone. But from my cold diagnostic to July, I had a 12 point increase. Granted, that was 1.5 - 2 years because I was working on school, working, and had a family. It's hard to say how long it would take for someone else with di…
Slow and steady. Repeat until you have a very thorough understanding. When you can explain it to others easily, when you can explain why an answer choice is wrong and why an answer choice is right, then you've really got this. But until then, slow, …
The only way you can do a logic game in your head outside of a simple lineup (or even including a simple line up) is by process of elimination. Look for the only answer that doesn't violate your rules. It may not work for the whole LSAT, which requi…
@CharlieHu said:
This is my understanding. If everyone bombed it, most likely test-takers who experimented on these questions bombed it too, thus these questions will be deemed "difficult" and give a more lenient "curve". You are absolutely …
@piercewriter96 said:
Correct if I’m wrong but If the average score for this test is below the 50th percentile, would they have to move the majority of people score up into the 150’s because 150 is “average”?
The curve is set when they make …
You've got this! Just breathe and do what you know. I can't wait to see you on the admissions side of all this It feels so unreal when you've been at the LSAT for so long. I have 0 doubt that you'll see that soon!
Agreed. In depth study, then go for timed. You're missing something vital to your understanding of these questions, and you're falling for the trap answers. You need to learn why that is, and in depth study can show you where your train of thought l…
Yep. No writing function. The 7sage simulator is very,very close to how it really functions (I hesitate to say exact). You have a booklet of scratch paper from the beginning tho that you can write in at any time. So you can still write on something.…
Nope. But you are seeing the patterns reused in questions over and over again. This is good. Honestly, there are only so many ways you can make a one-to-one lineup game or ask a strengthening question. After hundreds or thousands of questions, you'v…
We were in July, but I left mine in the bag. With the timer in the corner, there was no real point in having it out. But yeah, keep an eye on the website to see if they will still allow it in future testings.
Thanks for this! I'm in the admissions cycle now, so this will be me next year.
Would you suggest maybe learning legal citation during the summer before? And also.. does your school provide Quimbee? I've heard good things about it in offering expl…
I agree with the other poster.
"If Larry drives to work in the morning, he will hit traffic. Therefore:
C If Larry doesn't hit traffic, it must not be morning."
A correct C should be phrased: " If Larry does not hit traffic, Larry did not drive …
Seconding what everyone else here is saying: practice. Practice and really think about it from various angles until you have that lightbulb "A ha!" moment of insight when things start clicking. It's different for everyone, and I swore it was never g…
@Trusttheprocess said:
Thanks for the advice...
basically scan a few lines before and after? right? and see how that ties into the MP?
Yep. Definitely a must. Read a little before and after. Then, take what the line means and apply it t…
My two cents...
Double spacing, same font and size for all of your essays and addenda makes your application look very uniform. Most schools I've applied to want 11 pt font. UCLA requires 12 pt, though. Pay close attention to what they want.
I'm going to throw a weird suggestion to you, so bear with me. My attention wanders a lot. To say that I have a lot of browser windows open in my head at the same time is an understatement. That is my norm, so trying to shut all that down is difficu…
Btw.. know your game boards. You should be able to read the setup and instantly know what kind of board to use (in out game, in out with categories, a straight 1 to 1 lineup, a circle, etc). That is a huge part of this. If you are still struggling o…
Go through your rules, make your board and write down your inferences like JY teaches you. Then, take in a deep breath, and go over the rules again, carefully, and check that you have it correct. If you have it all correct on this check, trust your …
Always err on the side of truthfulness. A dumb mistake like that is easily over looked. Just be straight forward and explain what happened. Don't make excuses, just say what happened and that you learned not to do it again and it was later expunged.…