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  • Sounds like you need to do some research regarding your position. My advice would be to figure out your situation. I'm not sure if you're lost for direction or not, but I'll add my two cents as someone who sat on the senate for academic appeals at m…
    in removed Comment by alumivacui May 2019
  • Oh no, you're saying that it will only be available in digital format and not paper?? I score exponentially lower on online multiple choice exams. The goal is Sept. I suppose it's time I do some in-depth research regarding this digital format. P.s…
  • EMDR is all mental. Technically it has been refuted by psychology studies(having been shown to have no benefits), however, so has hypnosis but it still works. Point being, it really depends on the type of person you are. If you are easily suggestibl…
    in EMDR Comment by alumivacui April 2019
  • I would say this is indeed an iffy topic. Iffy only because it will rely heavily on your presentation of your condition. For example, I believe it a fair assumption that while recruiting individuals for a school, the admission officers have several …
  • Identify the conclusion first. . . from there you need to ask yourself . . . What am I assuming for the conclusion to make sense. In this case we are talking about planting in spring... "Amateur gardeners who use the phases of the moon are less like…