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  • I can definitely relate. I remember being in tears literally thinking that I wasn't going to be able to accomplish my goals. But just keep battling. Just keep going. I promise you can destroy this test. This test is a beast, but it's a mere gazelle …
  • I wake up every single day and realize if I give everything I have TODAY, down the road I may live in a multi-million dollar home. Sounds superficial, but nothing cool about no hot water and leaky ceilings.
  • @JustDoIt said: Congrats! This is something that hurt me on LR and continues to plague me in RC. Considering you results, I'm gonna try it there. It seems to work well! Focus errors?
  • I won't add any advice because you've gotten a ton of great advice above. If it helps, when I first started doing basic one layer sequencing games they would take me like 15 minutes (on a good day) and I'd still get some wrong! My problem was that I…
  • @danielznelson It sounds like we were in a pretty similar situation. I was very, very prone to making "focus" errors in LR and LG. Especially LG, I would mis-read a rule or something and would get like 3 wrong because of it and just be so infuriated…
  • @tams2018 If that's your goal, I would master conditionality to the point you can do it in your sleep and learn to detect causality with ease. Those were the two most important aspects for me to improving LR. About a month ago I was just drilling s…
  • @LSATiscoming thanks for the comment! Why did you lose the RC gain? Although some those RC questions on the newer tests are a bit ridiculous... I love LR. So I've worked at it A TON. Almost obsessively. Another thing, I have a special battle with t…
  • I honestly couldn't believe it when I arrived at question 26 and all of them were I did it again and went 25/25! It was just effort and being honest whether or not you are really giving your best. You're taking the time to read the stim…
  • @"Alex Divine" Thanks! That's why I shared, maybe if someone out there is wondering why they're making careless mistakes, this is probably why. Each part of the test is related with conditionality and just the way you read everything so it makes se…
  • Hm, that's interesting I think my case may be a "working smart" case rather than working hard. The only thing that I've changed is how I'm reading. I guess I'm reading faster but I'm actively thinking about the consequences of each sentence, premise…
  • When I do encounter the additional premises I'm able to accelerate through and almost almost finish on time. I'm always in that range and I rarely get a question wrong. If I get an all-time difficult game maybe a question or two. That's about it. I…
  • Hi Vanessa, I actually follow a similar strategy. I read the rules, make a diagram that is usually in accordance with what JY made, but sometimes it's completely different. I take about 3 minutes and diagram, memorize the rules and hammer out infer…
  • I didn't use the cropping tool but it isn't filled. Think like the middle 80% is filled with 10% on each side empty. I hope that is clear. There are no other concerns other than this as it is a professional photo. Tried to do it myself but there we…
  • Manila Tokyo Sydney..makes me think of the Philadelphia Montreal Toronto Vancouver game..:
  • Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and say hey. Taking the September test. Thoughts on general difficulty? Especially with LG. That's the only section I fear seeing something crazy. Judging from what's been said, seems like A TON of the older style game…
  • @"Alex Divine" I agree. It's funny, I was trying to do a really, really tough game and was struggling because I missed something that I typically would have caught without a problem simply because my eyes were half open. In addition, I felt awful. I…
  • Thanks for the comments friends. @tanes256 I will be getting my meds tomorrow, prescription is already in and will be filled by tomorrow, hopefully tonight! Today I'm just going to hang at the beach. I live in New Jersey so, 20 minute drive east and…
  • Initially I thought that you were referring to working too much or studying too much. A six section practice may train you to have more in the tank at section 4/5. That said be careful with shortening your time for sections because it could create…
  • These are long. They take time. In contrast a lot of flaw, weaken, main point questions take like 30 seconds.
  • Great question. For a while I was asking myself the same thing. I usually fly through these questions even if they are very long and intimidating. Sometimes these take me 2 minutes, sometimes 50 seconds, depends on the subtleties found in the stimul…
  • Hm, interesting. Could you give a specific example? I may use a different system on assumption questions than you do as I've learned a lot of logic in my major and have always handled the assumption questions with ease and accuracy so, if it's not b…
  • What exactly do you want to do and where do you want to practice? You'd be looking at big money from UChi, NYU, etc and maybe yield wl'ed from some other t14 schools that don't offer you near full tuition. Seems like you want NYC biglaw given your i…
  • Yes. I don't know it off the top of my head but give it a google. I believe it's something like one layer sequence, two layer/grouping and then a distant third is a combination of pure sequencing and those other weird ones. From what I've noticed si…
  • Ah, I don't know about your personal style but I always read the stimulus before reading the question stem so I don't know exactly what I'm going to have to do with the information in the stimulus while reading it. Typically you can tell though. Fla…
  • Thanks a lot man I appreciate it! Haha yes I love the single layer sequencing, double layer, whatever it is just some of these grouping games, not even all of them make me want to rip my hair out theee times. It's weird because I look at recent lsat…
  • @"Alex Divine" said: @fmihalic2 said: @"Alex Divine" said: @fmihalic2 said: Hi all, I'm new to 7sage and must say that I love it. I have used the LG Bible from PowerScore t…
  • @"Alex Divine" said: @fmihalic2 said: Hi all, I'm new to 7sage and must say that I love it. I have used the LG Bible from PowerScore to learn the foundation of Games in particular however when I discovered JY's videos I re…
  • @BinghamtonDave said: Getting a specific game done in a specific amount of time is something that a test taker can manipulate to their own strengths and weaknesses. The times listed on 7Sage are target times. PT 70 for example, the times add…