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Member, Sage, 7Sage Tutor


  • Hey there! To understand why C strengthens our argument, let's take a look at our conclusion and supporting premise. The stimulus tells us that: C: There's evidence advertisers are motivated by moral and financial reasons, because P: Some advertis…
  • Hi there! Where you go after finishing the core curriculum really depends on your current level. If you are scoring in the mid160s, you clearly have solid reasoning skills and it could be worth your time to focus on PTs for the purpose of working un…
  • The best way to improve at reading "uninteresting" material is to practice doing just that. I highly recommend finding some reading material that you don't find interesting. Make it something really dense. When you read, force yourself to consciousl…
  • It can be really frustrating to continue studying but feel you're not making progress! A plateau tells us we've reached the height of the potential of our current study plan. What you need to do is change up the methods you're using for drilling and…
  • I definitely agree with the users above. To achieve a 10-point jump, you first and foremost need a regimented study plan that is going to help you address the areas holding you back. If you add my account as a buddy I can give you some pointers on …