I took the test in December 2013. I'll tell you what worked for me. Eggs, cheese, spinach omelette with whole wheat toast and one cup of coffee, one glass of water. I wore sportswear: running tights, sneakers, tank top with layers (comfortable shirt…
Also, in the same bizarre vein, just graded one from this morning. My dumb room mate barged in at 3:45 AM from a Sam Smith concert and the door slammed and shook the whole place (i actually love her, but she was a total jerk for that). I never got …
Hi all,
thank you so much for the kind words and suggestions. I took the advice that some of you recommended: I took the rest of the day off yesterday. If I thought about her, I directed those thoughts towards the good, not the sad. I went to a sch…
It's JY's humorous, engaging style and RARE profanity (let the record show, this is not squandered on low hanging fruit; indeed, an expletive is often warranted for these questions) that brings light to an otherwise dark world of LSAT preparation.
FYI I'm suggesting these places because a few of us did GC Library over the summer and it was terrible. Groups of tourists, kids, there were just a lot of distractions. I feel like on a Sunday morning, many of these other places don't serve as touri…
I'm down for this Sunday. As far as where we can take it, here's a list of public spaces in Manhattan http://untappedcities.com/2013/10/03/top-10-indoor-public-spaces-in-manhattan-for-your-very-own-urban-oasis/
Do not focus on numbers right now.
Two weeks ago I scored 13 points below my PT the week before. Why? I didn't get 8 hours sleep, at times I was hungry, I hadn't 'warmed up'. Next week, I was back to normal. Examine what you did wrong to prepare th…
162-169, with up to 173 BR. The 162 was actually the last PT I took before taking the real test, where I scored 167. I wouldn't worry too much, it's early in the game.
General sympathy I'm sure. Recognized my practice test. The guy didn't even break stride, but it looks like he survived it and appeared pretty lawyer-ly, which is just more reassurance that it can be done.
I was blind reviewing in Bryant Park last week, when a guy walked past my table and said, "How's it coming?" Made my day. The struggle is real, but it is shared.
Thanks guys! Ttuden, I checked out your friend's website- does he do essays and other elements of the application process? I was only seeing LSAT tutoring
I'm so interested! I just started my PT's. Where were you thinking? There's the NYPL (the main branch): it's open on Tues. and Weds. until 8 pm. I actually see other LSATers studying in there sometimes. It would be cool to meet Jonathan also
I just took PT 70 and I got a 162. The initial feeling was heartbreak. But after sitting quietly for several minutes, and giving it some thought, I think I'm just pushing too hard, I tried to squeeze the PT in between a 2 hour class and an important…
Thanks everyone for your responses.
I'm sticking to 2 things: recent PTs and reading comp. I took another test and scored a 164 (wasn't feeling great), and my reading comp is what's hurting my score. If I invest 8 more hours to just practice readin…