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  • @tutorinla Sounds perfect! I just created a Skype account (sad that I don't yet have one, I know) and I'll "be there" Sunday (figuratively speaking of course). I think I added you as a contact or something (sorry for being a technological idiot).…
  • Hey, I'm highly interested! Are y'all going over a PT? If so, which one? Or just certain games or problems?
  • Also interested in this topic. I currently average between 8 and 10 wrong on RC (angry face) hehe. I will say this in case this helps someone: what most test prep companies not named 7sage advocate kills me (maybe some people are good at it and I …
  • CFC's advice is pure gold. I would like to add that old PTs come in handy BETWEEN PTs. For example, I just took PT 40 and missed 4 flaw in the reasoning questions (How does that even happen!). So, before my next PT, I am going to drag out the old…
  • Well, Al D, some asshole did give 7sage 4 stars out of 5, so there's that lol
  • I have used pretty much all 1-39 and 56 (random, I know). Since I was so immersed in the old tests and jumped suddenly to a new one, I think I can maybe provide some insight. Obviously, 56 could be an unrepresentative sample, so this entire post c…
  • I emphatically second what Jason said. Do NOT put yourself on a timeframe. First of all, you don't know how fast you will improve. You may improve faster than you expected or more slowly than you expected. Secondly, life happens, and when it doe…
  • I like your plan alot. Don't feel pressure to take more tests per week. If you're acing them, 3 a week (or whatever your maximum is) is fine. But every question you miss, you should be getting as much out of that miss as possible, however long th…
  • Susan when I read your post, I immediately thought, "This is a great example of the "combination flaw" in LR. I like cheap wine, draft beer, and expensive scotch, but that doesn't mean that I like all the combination of all three of these together.…
  • Here's a tip for those of you who, like me, and not yet LSAT Masters. So if you're PTing above 170, or if you feel like you are an LSAT Master, ignore this comment. For the rest of us, here's a tip as far as watching EXPLANATIONS (not the lessons)…
  • Yes yes yes. 7sage for games is unbeatable and no other company comes close, and JY's LR and RC explanations are just awesome too. But LSAT Trainer is wonderful for argument questions on LR. I took me 5 months to realize that on all argument ques…
  • I think you need to give us more information on this stimulus and answer choices. I cannot recall the problem you are talking about, and I think we need to know more to be able to answer this question. If what you gave us (the correlation) is the …
  • Oh wait got another one for you Anne! This one is not something that not alot of people focus on but I think is really important. On RC, the last lines/sentences/clauses of the passage are usually REALLY IMPORTANT. Here's why I think this is: Th…
  • Oh ok. Here's what I have found that may help you (it probably won't but we'll give it a shot anyway): I have found that keeping track of the things you are talking about to be less important than you may think. The LSAT is a skills test. Some p…
  • Have you taken a PT yet, or are you just drilling individual problems/sets/games? When you take a PT, 7sage has some AMAZING tools to help you see where you're at and what you need to improve on.
  • The only two patterns I've noticed is that correct answers to necessary assumption questions are often very "soft". In other words, they don't go very far. Remember, it has to be NECESSARY, so an answer choice that fills the gap but goes to far is…
  • Oh my gosh- how could I have not made that connection between speed and driving time?! Thanks so much for your explanations, Sic- you identified my problem perfectly! This flaw is now so easy to spot!
  • I agree! The first one involves sort of finding a conclusion that is compatible with the stimulus. The second one is asking for something that supports (or strengthens) the argument. Simple as that! Yes, I agree with you.
  • Sicspmer, that was a wonderful explanation! Could you answer a question about answer choice (D)? I don't think (D) is logically correct. What do you think? Here is what I thought during my PT and also during my review: The argument doesn’t assu…
  • I am going to tell you something that you do not want to hear. What you just said is exactly why holding true to little LSAT shortcuts instead of focusing on what the sentence is actually saying is dangerous. Shortcuts such as "without indicates a…
  • When I see that something is a necessary condition, I think to myself "Ok, I know this is necessary- what is it necessary for? And then if it's an "unless statement", you know it is necessary for the negation of the sufficient (the part of the stat…
  • You are going to need to provide us with some more info in order for us to tell you if we think June or Sept is a better test date. Where are you PTing at? Where do you WANT to be PTing at? (Spoiler alert: if the answer to the second question is a…
  • I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. I feel like none of my family and friends understand how important a high score is and how much work it takes to get there (for me at least). That's one of the reasons I love this forum. I hope you'll stick around throu…
  • I can help answer your second question. Some abnormal games: Dinner table (PT 41 game 4), Stained glass, Zones, PT 68 game 4 (it's simple sequencing but it's pure hell), maybe the mulch game, Zephyr airlines, and the Capital employees game (PT 39 g…
  • @dukeag: Remember that for the games section, we sort of do blind review: we watch the explanation from JY, see what we did wrong, and then print out ten copies of that game and do it perfectly ten times. Then pull it out a few weeks later and see…
  • I too missed this question. Once I eliminated every answer choice on my initial run-through, I was left scratching my head. But I think I know where you and I went wrong. First of all: the wrong answer choice that we picked: (B): The passage neve…
  • One quick note that might help you is that I often find myself falling for answer choices that are sufficient (but not necessary) for necessary assumption questions. They are really attractive! So I try to be on guard against them.
  • Great idea, Alena. I have found that writing out my own explanations for more difficult questions (basically any question later than #15 in a section) helps me IDENTIFY WHERE I GO WRONG. Here's how wrong answer choices work: The test writers are t…
  • You are totally correct about there being a limited number of PTs to use. Whether or not you have PT 40-71, DON'T TOUCH THEM. Get your hands on Pt 1-38 (I recommend by type form Cambridge) and drill those untimed. The only questions that are too …
  • Thanks so much for the response, Al_D and K! If I could ask you one more follow-up question: What would you think about combining these two methods? Like if I "let the inferences fly from my pencil" but then once I am done with that, going back t…