... ), -6 LG (ran out of time/the viruses got me). Of ... where I actually have the time to study 20-25 hours ... my life but I am 100% buying the romance of "your ...
... week; however, I work full-time and I have no idea ... huge amount of additional study time. Before I apply for this ... insight about working full-time or part-time and how this has ... their test score? (Obviously more time is better, but I also ...
For those getting consistently - 0 in LG, how do you guys do in timing?
Do you usually have bunch of time left after doing all 4 games? or do you need full 34 min (excluding 1min for bubbling)?
... am not 100% confident that they work every single time. Meaning, they ... . This obviously helps you save time, but it also helps you ... doesn't happen all the time, but it happens often. And ...
... last time studying was about 5 months ago. I am 100% committed ... 50 hours a week - so time is precious. I am studying ... the week and spending more time on the weekends studying.
... 'm thinking to take some time off and concentrate on working ... LSAT even for very short time per day? If I start ... to work full time, I'm sure it'll ...
... curriculum and was wondering about time management and efficiency while ... complete each lesson than the time estimated on the schedule, ... take longer than the estimated time to complete a lesson? ... that learning takes time and simply budget more time?
Does "in time" refer to JY's estimate ... of the time required as shown with, and ... 't think of any other time criterion to use, so: time a -0 LG section scorer ...
... am struggling to find the time to study for this test ... on how one manages their time efficiently would be greatly appreciated ... . Also, I am struggling with time when taking practice tests. I ... thoughts on how to handle time for studying and how to ...
... . There are no part-time programs within 100 miles of me, so ... the bullet, and going full-time. [LSAT 169, BA gpa 2 ... do the hybrid. So, full-time law school would mean resigning ... anyone else riding the full-time/part-time fence?
... a majority of that time reviewing LSAT materials, in ... exactly give me enough time to hit my optimal ... give me significantly more time to study. Plus there ... (because of my limited time), so that is frustrating. ... didn't have so many time constraints.