Despite going -6 on RC, I managed to break the 170 barrier for the first time (171)! Went flawless on LG (another first). Big confidence boost going into December test.
I am not going to lie, I could see it going either way. I went with my first choice every single time, without making sure that it wasn't a trap answer. I am usually pretty good at getting around the Trap answer but you never know. The logic games ...
Nothing much to say here except that after a grueling month and a half of study, I finally broke the 170 barrier! Here's hoping it wasn't a freak accident and I can keep it up. I'm taking the February LSAT and I'm starting to feel pretty confident!!
... , with a high score of 170 (only once). I also watched ... to reach my goal of 170, but did the best I ... score back and scored a 170! I'm so happy and ...